5/27/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The Wig: Unrated!

Own it on DVD June 24, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Genius Products for this opportunity!

Official product description:  

"A young woman is struggling against cancer and her sister decides that she should take her home so that she really can enjoy what little time she has left rather than to spend it in a hospital. She buys a wig for her so that she can go out without having to feel ashamed of herself--what she doesn't know is that the wig is cursed."

We are giving away FIVE copies, and winning is easy.

Follow these few steps carefully:
  1. Read all of the directions.

  2. To win, sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews, news and DVD giveaways. We will confirm that you did.

  3. Make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at with THE WIG in the subject header. Also, leave a comment in the comment section on this site for this particular giveaway.

  4. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, confirm your Email address by responding to the email sent to you. This is critical. You must respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered.
That's it!

Winners will be drawn on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 and the disc will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

Everyone worldwide is encouraged to enter, but remember, these are Region 1 discs.


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  1. linett said...

    This is different

  2. Anonymous said...

    Very different!! Love to watch it!

  3. Anonymous said...

    I forgot to leave my email addy to the above annon

  4. danosor said...

    Sounds like a strange movie.

  5. kerri69 said...

    this sounds silly

  6. chromiumman said...

    ... based on a true story, isn't it?

  7. carrot4040 said...

    creepy, but I still want to watch it, count me in, thanks

  8. Bunny B said...

    Cool! I'd love to watch this!

  9. pootieposh said...

    scary, count me in!

  10. agordon10 said...

    looks scary

  11. Anonymous said...

    OOOOOOOOOO, something scary. I LOVE scary. Count me in.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Bring on the popcorn!

  13. Tina12312 said...

    This one looks good! Thank you!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me.

  15. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  16. toasters lie said...


  17. reddon30 said...

    This looks interesting!!

  18. idahomom said...

    I hope that it is not too gorry.

  19. kelvinh said...

    love horror movies!

  20. tina said...

    looks very bloody

  21. Anonymous said...

    This looks interesting!

  22. Anonymous said...

    I love horror movies, this one looks pretty good, count me in

  23. Unknown said...

    This movie sounds amazing. They actually find out that the wig was she finds that it was manufactured using hair of a cadaver of some fiend who is possessing it! How amazing is that!! I would LOVE to se it. Horror movies are THE BEST! :D

  24. Anonymous said...

    My favorite type of movie :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  25. windycindy said...

    Sounds different! Thanks,Cindi

  26. Anonymous said...

    This movie spounds different, I an sure I will love it!
    Thanks for a great contest.

  27. Leslie said...

    Sounds like it would be a fun watch. Love horror movies.

  28. forex said...

    count me in

  29. Anonymous said...

    Love to watch this horror movie! Must be something unusual... and scary!

  30. pintolinda said...

    Hope I win.

  31. Michw37 said...

    please count me in

  32. Anonymous said...

    Thank You I would love to have this movie !

  33. Anonymous said...

    This DVD looks wicked kewl!!

    shaunwallner at yahoo dot com

  34. Fangirl Jen said...

    A cursed wig??? Gotta see that!

  35. ELE said...

    I would love to win this

  36. hity88 said...

    Hope I win.

  37. Anonymous said...

    I would love to watch this!!

  38. judybrittle said...

    i am a huge horror movie fan. this would be so great to watch!

  39. Anonymous said...

    good prize

  40. Anonymous said...

    Looks great. Hope I win it!

  41. Molly C. said...


  42. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  43. Anonymous said...

    ok scary I think

  44. Wes said...

    The cover alone is Horror!

  45. Anonymous said...

    I'm in.

    llm 96 at aol dot com

  46. jbeckett said...

    sign me up please

  47. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry.

  48. denyse said...

    Count me in!

  49. Anonymous said...

    I so want to win a copy. :)

  50. purplepassion126 said...

    I'm in--thanks!

  51. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. This would make a great addition to my DVD collection. YES! I'm a movie junkie!!! My husband says the first step is admitting I have a problem! LOL


    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan

  52. Brn2lisn said...

    I would love to win this for my DVD collection. I am a subscriber and have sent an email. Thank you

  53. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  54. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like something worth watching!

    jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com

  55. Robert said...

    Sounds interesting.

  56. Anonymous said...

    omg, this sounds horrifying yet I can't help but need to see it

  57. Annie said...

    OK, haven't heard of this, but "a cursed wig" - why not?

  58. Anonymous said...

    I Would Love To See This Movie

  59. robt6 said...

    Enter me.

  60. KristenH said...

    This sounds like an interesting movie. I would really like to see it. I love horror movies. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  61. azrosebud said...

    ew this looks really scary

  62. Samantha P said...

    love gore! not Al Gore, he's creepy (amd that's coming from a democrat)

  63. Ronni said...

    He's a scary man!

  64. Anonymous said...

    sounds great!

  65. Anonymous said...

    Wining would be fun, thanks

  66. Anonymous said...

    Did I read the review right? OK I would love to win.

  67. Anonymous said...

    Looks like another wild and creepy Asian horror flick -- would love to see this one!

  68. mrstrooper said...

    Looks great!

  69. calgirl said...

    I want this creepy film.

  70. Heather said...

    I'd like to be in the drawing!

  71. Anonymous said...

    This is different.

  72. Anonymous said...

    Well, I've heard of a lot of things being cursed, but never a wig. Very interesting! Thanks for the chance to win!