Tuesday, March 18, 2025

FIRST LOOK: "Sex" talks fashion.

5/24/2008 Posted by Admin

Above is a clip for the upcoming "Sex and the City" movie, which admittedly I can't wait to see. It's called "Back in Fashion," and it chronicles the importance of fashion in the series, as well as the new movie.

Some of you will enjoy it. Others, not so much.

All of this is kind of a grotesque heralding of Pat Field, the series' and movie's costume designer. Pat is talented, yes. Pat has an eye for boots, belts and bags, yes. And God knows, Pat knows henna. But let's just tone all of this down, folks. Pat is not the Second Coming, as she's treated here.

She's not the Madonna. She's not "jazz." She's a fashionista. There's a difference.

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