GIVEAWAY: The Onion Movie!

5/29/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The Onion Movie!

Own it on DVD June 3, 2008!

In the movie is pop sensation, Melissa Cherry. Check out her MySpace page here and her YouTube page here.

Check out the film's trailer below:

The official synopsis:

This just in...The Onion invades DVD! Based on the wildly popular satirical newspaper hailed by The New Yorker as “the funniest publication in the United States,” The Onion Movie brings you uncensored, uninhibited, UNRATED news and views from around the world. And in a stunning development, when Onion News anchorman Norm Archer (Len Cariou) is asked to compromise his journalistic integrity to please a new corporate sponsor, he doesn’t just get mad, he gets...angry. Taking aim at pop stars, party games, prisoners and peace talks, The Onion Movie delivers hard-hitting headlines—and side-splitting laughs!

We are giving away FIVE copies, and winning is easy.

Follow these few steps carefully:
  1. Read all of the directions.

  2. To win, sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews, news and DVD giveaways. We will confirm that you did.

  3. Make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at with THE ONION in the subject header. Also, leave a comment in the comment section on this site for this particular giveaway.

  4. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, confirm your Email address by responding to the email sent to you. This is critical. You must respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered.
That's it!

Winners will be drawn on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 and the disc will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

Everyone worldwide is encouraged to enter, but remember, these are Region 1 discs.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Would be interesting to watch!

  2. kerri69 said...

    i think it sounds funny i like comedies especially silly dumb ones and do i need to email you everytime we enter i dont know im already signed up

  3. Anonymous said...

    Who doesn't love satire? Poking fun at the world and people around you? I ask you, what could be more fun?

  4. Anonymous said...

    Is this like Michael Moore? Thanks for the contest.

  5. agordon10 said...

    love the onion

  6. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  7. idahomom said...

    I need some new movies. I am sick of watching the same ones over and over.

  8. reddon30 said...

    Would love to see this...thanks for the contest!!

  9. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me.

  10. denyse said...

    Freat giveaway!

  11. taterbug said...

    I haven't seen this one yet. I would love to have it!


  12. carrot4040 said...

    yes, I want to win this

  13. Anonymous said...

    While in college, I always read the Onion Newspaper, it's hilarious! I'd love to win.

  14. chromiumman said...

    i so love the onion

  15. Tina12312 said...

    I really want to see this! Thank you so much!

  16. hity88 said...

    Hope I win.

  17. hiann88 said...

    Hope I win.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Love The Onion!

  19. Unknown said...

    The People at The Onion are so funny. Would love to win this.

  20. pintolinda said...

    Please enter me for this DVD. I will enjoy it.

  21. Dave said...

    This looks very interesting. Please enter me to win.

  22. theresa said...

    good luck to all

  23. linett said...

    we all love onions

  24. danosor said...

    Another movie i never heard of.Strange to make a movie on the subject "the onion".Who knows could be a trilogy.

  25. soha said...

    Great contest.

  26. Anonymous said...

    I have put this one on my to watch list.

  27. idahodad7 said...

    Looks like good flick. Thanks

  28. Anonymous said...

    Love THE ONION and will want to see this Movie! Thanks

    If any of you haven't seen The Onion website, I'd recommend it.

  29. bobbin said...

    This one I would like to own.

  30. judybrittle said...

    i've been hearing a lot about this movie. would really like to see it. thanks.

  31. kelvinh said...

    would love to have this dvd!

  32. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  33. Anonymous said...

    I'm in.

    llm 96 at aol dot com

  34. Annie said...

    Love The Onion! We've been reading it for years and own all the books. Gotta see this ... even if I don't win.

  35. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to win this movie!!

  36. KristenH said...

    The Onion sounds hilarious. I really hope I get lucky enough to win it since I think I would get a good laugh out of watching it. This is a great giveaway and once again I really hope I win. Thanks.

  37. Anonymous said...

    It sound like a funny movie, I'm looking forward to seeing it. enter me please

  38. Anonymous said...

    This sounds interesting--please add my name. Thank you for the contest!

  39. toasters lie said...

    This movie is hilarious.

  40. Anonymous said...

    This movie sounds funny - I could use a good laugh!

  41. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  42. Anonymous said...

    Looks great. Hope I win it!

  43. Ken said...

    The Onion Movie DVD.
    Please accept my entry.

  44. Anonymous said...

    Who doesn't love The Onion, seriously?

  45. azrosebud said...

    please enter me

  46. Wes said...

    I've been an ONION fan forever! This will be hilarious!

  47. ELE said...

    OOH I would love to win this

  48. purplepassion126 said...

    I'm in--thanks!

  49. mich0825 said...

    The onion looks funny :)

  50. Anonymous said...

    I love The Onion books so I bet I would love this movie--the books are so funny!!

  51. Anonymous said...

    I cannot WAIT to see this movie, thanks for a great contest!

  52. Brian E. said...

    ...I read The Onion online each week, funny stuff.

    senorpiero at yahoo dot com

  53. Anonymous said...

    Love the Onion! Can't wait to see this!

    jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com

  54. Anonymous said...

    Win, win Would love a comedy!

  55. Anonymous said...

    Satire just sits right with me and I know I'd love to view this. I think it would completely appeal to my senses.

  56. Susan W said...

    Please enter me

  57. Anonymous said...

    I Would Love To Win This DVD

  58. rbauske said...

    Would love to win this DVD.

  59. Anonymous said...

    I am not familiar with this DVD. I would like to win a copy.

  60. Samantha P said...

    loving it!

  61. Anonymous said...

    never heard of this one

  62. Mary said...

    Great prize - would love to win this

  63. yadgirl said...

    I love this kind of movie!

  64. dianerph said...

    Great giveaway!

  65. Anonymous said...

    I would love to watch this! Thank you for the giveaway!

  66. rdazer said...

    i'd love to see this