John Wayne: The Fox Westerns (2008)

5/30/2008 Posted by Admin

“John Wayne: The Fox Westerns”

Four films--1930’s “The Big Trail,” the 1960 Western-comedy “North to Alaska,” 1961’s “The Comancheros” and 1969’s “The Undefeated.”

The standout is Raoul Walsh’s “Trail,” one of Wayne’s best and earliest films, in which he looks ridiculously young, but don’t let his baby face fool you.

When it comes to romancing Marguerite Churchill, he’s all Duke. Beyond the value (find it online for under $25), the set finds Wayne once again capturing the isolation of the cowboy, turning him into a kind of comic hero, and all while offering a valentine to the masculine aesthetic.

Grade: B+

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  1. Anonymous said...

    great prize

  2. marleenandlouie said...

    Good ol' John Wayne--always cool! Fun movies. Thanks

  3. Anonymous said...

    Oh, my hubby would adore this!!

  4. Anonymous said...

    I would love this. I used to watch the Duke movies with my dad when he was alive.

  5. Anonymous said...

    I remember seeing a Special with Barbara Walters where John Wayne said he got his ice bucket ice from snow in the North Pole...or something to that effect.