V for Vendetta: Blu-ray DVD Review (2008)
Dips freely and liberally into a scattershot of influences to compose its whole.
Noir factors into almost every corner of the story and its production, but then so do elements of science fiction and the Western.
It's a cautionary thriller that envisions some rather difficult times ahead for the year 2020, with a mass murderer in a Guy Fawkes mask (Hugo Weaving) determined to bring down the vicious dictator, Chancellor Sutler (John Hurt), whose fascist government has done unspeakable things to its citizens.
With Natalie Portman and Stephen Rea, this dense, beautifully shot movie of so many ideas is among the best-looking yet in the Blu-ray format.
Read the full, unedited review here.
Rated R. Grade: B+
January 14, 2011 at 8:55 PM
I loved your blog. Thank you.