Dropping the Dragonball

8/27/2008 Posted by Admin

Right now, the buzz is over-the-top with word that Fox will be dropping their "Dragonball" trailer sometime in October.  Hahaha!  Dropped their "Dragonball."  Okay, not so funny.

Apparently, the trailer is going to be hooked to the release of "Max Payne," which likely means that plenty of fanboys will be fainting in the aisles at the prospect of having both at hand in the same theater. 

Or will they be?  After all, word has it that "Dragonball" might as well be called "Dragonbreath."  Comingsoon is reporting that Fox thinks the movie is crap on a stick isn't pleased with the film, and when a movie studio starts saying that, the rest of us might as well start saying "Direct to video."

We'll see. 

In the meantime, let's just judge the movie based on the hairstyles in the photo above.  Atrocious, sure, but also undeniable proof that the Flowbee lives on!  For those who spend too much time looking at Internet porn and who don't know about the treasures to be found within the Flowbee, which essentially is a stylist working at the business end of a vacuum cleaner, behold the video below. 

Long live the Flowbee.

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