How to become an action star? Set fire to your throat.

8/27/2008 Posted by Admin

On November 26, 2008, the new Jason Statham movie opens.  It's called "The Transporter 3," a good indicator that it's the sequel to "The Transporter 2," which itself was, um, a sequel to "The Transporter."  Or so I hear.  Whatever.

Anyway, audiences can expect more of the same.  I see it going like this:  Statham doesn't shave.  Statham works out--a lot.  Statham drinks whiskey for a week straight, gargling with it, sets fire to his throat, and then comes onto the scene with new lows to his already scratchy, rough-and-tumble voice.  People love it!  Statham strikes aggressives poses.  Obviously, guns are fired.  A woman's life, at some point, likely is at stake.  Plenty of car races.  Statham shirtless.  Statham says as little as possible.  People die.  Statham does crunches.  People cheer.  The end.

I'm there!

For those who want the facts, here's the official synopsis: 

"This fast-paced action film marks the third outing with Jason Statham playing the role of Frank Martin. For THE TRANSPORTER 3, Olivier Megaton (THE RED SIREN) takes over the directorial reins from Corey Yuen and Louis Leterrier."
Oh, and here's the trailer. every other "Transporter" film, which is a good thing.

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  1. Unknown said...

    too excited for this...