TRAILER: Battle in Seattle

8/08/2008 Posted by Admin

Below is the trailer for "Battle in Seattle," which the film's official synopsis tells us is "based on one of the most incendiary political uprisings in a generation. 'Battle in Seattle' takes an in-depth look at the five days that rocked the world in 1999 as tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in protest of the World Trade Organization. What began as a peaceful protest intended to stop the WTO talks quickly escalated into a full-scale riot and eventual State of Emergency that squared off peaceful and unarmed protestors against the Seattle Police Department and the National Guard."

That's all fine and good, and the cast certainly is strong (what, however, has Ray Liotta done to his face?), but midway through the trailer, I wanted to hurl. The score swells, people keep saying "Battle in Seattle!," the drama is lifted to movie-of-the-week proportions, and it all just falls apart.

The film opens in limited release on Sept. 17. Since it's already generating Oscar buzz, this can't be the best they've got. Check out the trailer below:

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