GIVEAWAY: Around the World in 80 Treasures

9/10/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Around the World in 80 Treasures!

Own it on DVD Now!

Thanks to our friends at BBC Warner
for this opportunity!


Official product description:

"This fall, BBC Video invites audiences on a whirlwind, 34-country world tour to visit 80 of the greatest human-made treasures on Earth in the two-disc DVD release of Around the World in 80 Treasures. In this two-disc set, architectural historian Dan Cruickshank serves as the omniscient guide on this global treasure hunt in which he inspires viewers about his eclectic choices, which range from the Parthenon, Machu Piccu, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, and King Tut's burial mask to the magical Mud City of Chan Chan, space-age Shanghai, and a Volkswagen Beetle."

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on October 28, 2008.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Looks like a very interesting DVD! Hope I win. Good luck to all!

  2. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to see this DVD. I'm really interested in history.

  3. Unknown said...

    I want to win!

  4. Anonymous said...

    This DVD looks very interesting.


  5. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this on DVD :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  6. pintolinda said...

    I wish I could go and see these treasures in person, but since I am unlikely to do so, I would love to see the DVD. Thanks for the giveaway.
    pintolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  7. linett said...

    interesting movie

  8. judybrittle said...

    This sounds good. Please enter me.
    Thank you!

  9. danosor said...

    I would love to see this movie.

  10. susan1215 said...

    Please enter me

  11. Unknown said...

    would love to have!

  12. dbadour said...

    This looks great.

  13. mverno said...

    love to win

  14. Anonymous said...

    Anything the BBC does is good! I hope to win.

  15. john1948 said...

    Would like to win

  16. Tes283 said...

    Great, now I can sit at home and visit the great treasures of the world.

  17. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry.

  18. Stephen Saunders said...

    nice prize

  19. marleenandlouie said...

    Wow, this looks fantastic, better then waiting at the airport and going thru security!

  20. agordon10 said...

    looks interesting

  21. imjasonc said...

    Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

  22. sb02127 said...

    sounds very interesting.

  23. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to sit back and see this one.

  24. Karen B said...

    Travel by recliner - that's for me!

  25. redron said...

    want to win this

  26. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  27. Unknown said...

    Like interesting shows. This looks like one and i haven't seen it. would love to own it on dvd.

  28. kdj617 said...

    thank you

  29. toughturtles said...

    very interesting brings out the treasure hunter in you

  30. windycindy said...

    What an interesting sounding DVD! Thanks, Cindi

  31. David Johnson said...


  32. Erica C. said...


  33. bkwrms said...

    I love history, this looks really interesting.

  34. Anonymous said...

    I love History stuff

  35. Anonymous said...

    This DVD seems to be so cool. Please give me a chance to have it :)

  36. retellingstories said...

    Great contest! I love this kind of stuff - plus, it would be a great family movie. Thanks!

  37. Dave said...

    This looks amazing! Please enter me to win.

  38. Tammy said...

    Looks like an interesting show! Thanks for the chance.

  39. Anna said...

    count me in

  40. Teresa690 said...

    I love shows like this! Thanks!

  41. Gina said...

    Enter me please!

  42. Jessilyn82 said...

    This looks really interesting, thanks!

  43. Anonymous said...

    I would love this

    weblynx at hotmail dot com

  44. AmentsChick said...

    Awesome giveaway!! I hope to win!!

  45. pamelarm said...

    This would be very educational for our kids!

  46. Anonymous said...

    this sound fascinating and I would LOVE to win it.

  47. Unknown said...

    Sounds really interesting.

  48. Ally said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!!

  49. Anonymous said...


  50. hotcha12 said...


  51. Wes said...

    Hmmmm...this could be very interesting.

  52. ~BlkCat~ said...

    Cool Prize!!

  53. Anonymous said...

    How quickly time goes for me....I wish to see so much on this beautiful planet, yet my visit here is short.....this DVD would take me on a journey to feel much like a butterfly! What an awesome flight of joy!

  54. wigget said...


  55. yadgirl said...

    count me in

  56. dwhogan said...

    good luck everyone

  57. dianerph said...

    Please enter me

  58. Anonymous said...

    Would love to own this!!!

  59. Anonymous said...

    Seems like a very interesting documentary which I would like to see if given the chance ;)

  60. misa said...

    Looks greats, thanks for the chance to win!

  61. Anonymous said...

    This is a great video!

  62. Theresa N. said...

    I'd like to win this movie.
    Theresa N

  63. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to see this again.

  64. Unknown said...

    I would love to see this finally. Thanks!!

  65. sillelin said...

    Sounds good.

  66. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. I've joined your newsletter and am sending my email to confirm my entry. Thanks.

  67. Anonymous said...

    I want Around the World in 80 Treasures !!!


  68. Chris said...

    count me in

  69. AICORP said...

    I love this kind of DVD

  70. Christal said...

    would love to win!

  71. robt6 said...

    Great prize, enter me please.

  72. Anonymous said...

    i'd love this!

  73. amwhiteh said...

    this looks great!

  74. KristenH said...

    I would really enjoy this DVD. It looks very interesting and I would love to win so I can see it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  75. rdazer said...

    sounds very neat...would love to have this

  76. Anonymous said...

    Looks like a very interesting DVD!

  77. djgroz said...

    Sounds like fun!

  78. Anonymous said...

    LThis looks like an interesting show! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  79. Becky said...

    Looks like an interesting show...I would love to win it..

  80. Betty C said...

    I'd like to see this. It looks very interesting.

  81. Carole said...

    Never been there- never done that!!What a way to travel to exotic places- while resting in my recliner!!!!

  82. TINKMH said...

    All the places I want to see on one video! Amazing!

  83. cman said...

    Please enter me :)

  84. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  85. Deb Anderson said...

    This sounds really interesting. I'd love to win it.

  86. Peggy said...

    I can be a armchair travler

  87. Anonymous said...

    Looks like a very interesting DVD!

  88. Anonymous said...

    I love travel DVDs. Thanks for the contest.