TWO-WEEK GIVEAWAY: Sopranos: The Complete Series!

2/14/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The Sopranos: The Complete Series!

A $399 value!!

Yes! The giveaway of "Sex and the City: The Complete Series" was such a hit, we're offering a new major giveaway--the complete series of "The Sopranos." Hot!

And in this case, you've got TWO WEEKS to win it!

I'm giving away ONE copy. The contest will end on February 28, 2009 at 10 p.m. I will post the winner on March 1, 2009.

To win, just go to the A-Z directory in the right margin and start clicking through the listings until you find a variation of the word "Sopranos" at the end of the review.

Not hard at all, particularly if you look through the A-D sections
. This is a big one, so you'll need to do some hunting!!

The phrase will be in red. Once you find it, go to this page, fill out the information, send me an email with the name of the listing that has the variation of the word "Sopranos" at the end of the review, and you'll be in it to win it!


To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

TWITTER: If you are on Twitter, increase your chances of winning by tweeting the following message to your readers:

Just entered the SOPRANOS COMPLETE SERIES contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and retweet often. He follows back too!

Good luck!


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  1. Dixie said...

    I want this. Going huntin' right now!

  2. TheHomer said...

    This may be the most exciting online contest of all time. I'd do this just to have the "Pine Barrens" episode on DVD. Good luck everyone.

  3. Douglas0327 said...

    I just got done emailing the location and twittering the giveaway. What a great prize to win! Thanks a lot for the chance.

  4. Unknown said...

    would love to have!

  5. jessiejaws said...

    Man, I so want these DVD's!

  6. Anonymous said...

    How 'bout I make you an offer you can't refuse, and you make me the winner now? I know, I'm mixing my gangster references!!

  7. marleenandlouie said...

    Wow, the Sopranos! I would like to enter please. Thanks, marleen

  8. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win this, I am going to try really hard, Thanks

  9. Anonymous said...

    well that was hard work but i finally found it. whew!


  10. Anonymous said...

    Okey-Dokey...I really would love to win this too!!!

    -barbarabaker :)

  11. kate5405 said...

    I would love to win this as an anniversary gift for my hubby. He was a BIG fan and lord knows I can't afford to buy the set.

  12. Ken said...

    I don't have PayTV so this would be my chance to see the family. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  13. jhals said...

    Wow! What a great prize!!! I will start my seach for the clue!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I love The Sopranos! My fav episode was the one where they chopped up a cadaver at the deli!

  15. Douglas0327 said...

    I'm back for another chance to win this awesome giveaway. I watched the show on HBO, but then I had to cancel it after a couple seasons. I tried watching it on A&E, but it wasn't the same without the F-bombs, so I pretty much stop watching it because of the censoring. lol I hope to win this. I twittered it. Thank you!

  16. Anonymous said...

    The best series ever!! And I still have not seen the last season!!

  17. Anonymous said...

    please accept my sunday entry. thank you!


  18. Anonymous said...

    I'd really love to win this, Thanks

  19. Anonymous said...

    This is the most awesome giveaway ever. I hope I win this!!

  20. B-MAN said...

    Here's my first entry for this amazing giveaway! Bada boom, bada bing. Wow!!!

  21. Anonymous said...

    I hope I win.

  22. Dixie said...



  23. TheHomer said...

    Re-entering... (JPLS on Twitter)

    Been watching Life on Mars to get my Christopher fix, need this show back.

  24. Admin said...

    Thanks to everyone for playing!


  25. Anonymous said...

    I want this so bad. It looks so good. I hope I win

  26. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win this, Thanks

  27. Anonymous said...

    If I don't win...fugedabouit!!

  28. Tiffany819 said...

    I'm in it! I would love love love to have this!! Thank you!

  29. B-MAN said...

    Back for another chance!

  30. Anonymous said...

    I'm back for my Monday entry. thanks chris!


  31. jhals said...

    trying again!

  32. Dixie said...

    Badabing!Just re-tweeted.


  33. Anonymous said...

    I never watched any of The Sopranos episodes, but I know it's a series that is highly praised.

  34. Tiffany819 said...

    Here for another chance to win it! I would love to have this! Great giveaway, as usual! :)

  35. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me for another entry into this great giveaway. Thank you

  36. dentre said...


  37. agatre said...

    thank you

  38. Anonymous said...

    How 'bout we all meet at the Badda Bing!!

  39. jessiejaws said...

    Another day, another entry.

  40. MDK2002 said...

    whoo free stuff

  41. B-MAN said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  42. Anonymous said...

    please enter me again today for another entry!


  43. B-MAN said...

    Back for another chance to win, thank you!

  44. dentre said...

    thank you

  45. agatre said...


  46. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, Thanks

  47. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for my daily entry! Thank you!

  48. jessiejaws said...

    One more time!

  49. Anonymous said...

    I am back. Please count my entry for today. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  50. Anonymous said...

    Hey Carmela, enter the Sopranos' contest on WIR for me!!

  51. Anonymous said...

    back for my daily entry today!


  52. agatre said...

    thank you

  53. B-MAN said...

    I wish Tony was my dad. Not really. Back for another chance to win it!

  54. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for my daily! Thank you!!

  55. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win this awesome complete series, Thanks

  56. Anonymous said...

    I am back!! Please county my entry for today. Thank you.

  57. Dixie said...

    I am a tweetin'

  58. herblady said...

    I would love to win this. We didn't have HBO so I never got to see it. Thank you very much!

  59. herblady said...

    I just tweeted it. (hrbeck)

  60. Anonymous said...

    back to enter again for thursday! thank you!


  61. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me for another chance to win. Thank you

  62. dentre said...

    thank you

  63. Anonymous said...

    This would be great to win!! I am back for another entry. Thank you kindly.!!

  64. Dixie said...

    I seriously must have this!


  65. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win, thanks

  66. B-MAN said...

    Between this and being thrown in a car trunk, I'd take the dvds! Thanks and I'm back for another shot to win this awesome series.

  67. Tiffany819 said...

    I am really wanting to win this! It is killing me!! Thank you!

  68. Anonymous said...

    hope this can be my lucky friday entry!


  69. Anonymous said...

    Badda boom, badda bing!!

  70. Chris said...

    Trying to win for my step-dad.

  71. dentre said...


  72. agatre said...

    thank you

  73. Steve D said...

    Here's my entry for Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009.

  74. Anonymous said...

    Leave the entry, take the canollis!! (I know, it's from The Godfather, not The Sopranos, but isn't Tony like The Godfather?)

  75. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another entry. Thank you very much.

  76. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for my daily. Thank you!

  77. Anonymous said...

    Please count my entry for today. I would love to win this!!!

  78. herblady said...

    I am back for another entry. Thank you very much!

  79. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry and I'm tweeting away

  80. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, thanks

  81. Anonymous said...

    i'm back to enter again today!


  82. dentre said...

    thank you

  83. agatre said...


  84. Steve D said...

    Entering for Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009.

  85. Anonymous said...

    here's my oscar day entry! thank you for these giveaways.


  86. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. This is awesome!! I hope I win!!

  87. Tiffany819 said...

    I'm really wanting to win this! I think all of my twitter followers are going to give me the boot for constantly tweeting your giveaways! lol I am that annoying twitter member. :) Thank you for the chance to win it though!

  88. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another chance to win these dvds. Thank you

  89. Anonymous said...

    Of course I wrote a tweet about this contest:

  90. jessiejaws said...

    And I tweet too!

  91. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win, thanks

  92. herblady said...

    Here I am again looking for another entry! :)

  93. herblady said...

    TWEET! Thank you! (hrbeck)

  94. B-MAN said...

    I'm entering again to win, thanks.

  95. dentre said...


  96. agatre said...

    thank you

  97. Unknown said...

    My "I Don't Like Mondays" entry.

  98. Tiffany819 said...

    Count me in again! Thank you!

  99. Carol W. said...

    I think I put my Sopranos comment in the wrong place. Anyway, I'd love to see the series in its entirety. Thanks.

  100. Anonymous said...

    Tony, you still having those panic attacks? Try entering one of Chris' contests and that will clear right up!!

  101. Anonymous said...

    I'd really love to win, thanks for the chance

  102. LuckyCat said...


  103. B-MAN said...

    Another entry to win this awesome series. This giveaway rocks, thanks!

  104. Anonymous said...

    back to enter for monday!


  105. dentre said...

    thank you

  106. agatre said...


  107. Anonymous said...

  108. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for another entry in this giveaway! Thanks!

  109. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. I would really love to win this!!

  110. Dixie said...

    Tweet! I want to win!


  111. jessiejaws said...

    One more entry.

  112. Anonymous said...

    Don't Stop Believing!!

  113. herblady said...

    I'm back for another entry- I want these so bad!!! Thank you very much!

  114. herblady said...

    Retweeted it. (hrbeck)

  115. Unknown said...

    Back with another entry.

  116. Annette said...

    I want this sooooooo bad!

  117. Annette said...

    tweet tweet

  118. Anonymous said...

    I'd really love to win this one, thanks for the chance

  119. Anonymous said...

    please accept my entry for tuesday!


  120. Cary G said...

    I'd like in as well, thanks.

  121. dentre said...


  122. Unknown said...

    Thanks again. What a great contest.

  123. agatre said...

    thank you

  124. Dixie said...

    Tweeted! This is just the best giveaway!


  125. B-MAN said...

    This would be so awesome! Thanks for the contest.

  126. Anonymous said...

    I am back!! It would be so great to win. Great contest!!

  127. Tiffany819 said...

    Would love another entry! I want this so bad I can't stand it!!! lol Thank you!

  128. Anonymous said...

    Will the sequel be called "Tenors"? Just a thought!!

  129. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again and still trying to win, thanks

  130. Anonymous said...

    thanks for the awesome giveaways as always!


  131. dentre said...

    thank you

  132. Unknown said...

    Back with an entry for Feb. 26.

  133. Anonymous said...

    This is great! I am back for another entry. I really hope I win.

  134. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for another entry! I want this so bad!! Thank you!

  135. B-MAN said...

    In it to win it, thanks!

  136. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another entry into this great giveaway. I posted a tweet! Thank you so much.

  137. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, Thanks Good Luck All!

  138. Anonymous said...

    i'm back to enter again for thursday!


  139. Anonymous said...

    Two more days to go, oh baby!!

  140. Unknown said...

    Thank God it's Friday. Back with an entry.

  141. dentre said...


  142. agatre said...

    thank you

  143. Tiffany819 said...

    Back for my daily! Thank you!!

  144. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra chance. Thank you!

  145. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. This would be a great prize!!

  146. Anonymous said...

    To see every episode of this stellar series would be special!!

  147. Anonymous said...

    I have done just about everything to win this! Thank you very much for the opportunity!

    Houston, TX

  148. CPA Mom said...

    What a great surprise this would be for my husband next week - our birthdays are 1 day apart - he loves the Sopranos. And I love this site - I will be back - LOVE movie reviews

    BTW, saw about this on twitter...that's how I found you!

  149. Anonymous said...

    I'm back for another try. I subscribe via email.


  150. B-MAN said...

    just one more chance please.

  151. Anonymous said...

    back again for the last day of february!


  152. agatre said...


  153. Dixie said...

    Last day! I'm in.
    Good Luck everyone!

  154. Tiffany819 said...

    Would love to win this! I hope I've done enough! Thank you!!

  155. Anonymous said...

    In again! Thank you, Christopher!

    Houston, TX

  156. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in again on this last day to enter to win this box set. Thank you for having this giveaway!

  157. Unknown said...

    My last entry for this great contest. Thank you.

  158. jessiejaws said...

    One last entry.

  159. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. I really hope to win this.

  160. Pcolamus said...

    Hope I'm squeezing into this giveaway just in time to win the Sopranos!