6/11/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of the
iPhone 3G 16GB!

For those who Tweet, here's your chance to complete! Have you entered? If so, why not? It's easy!

Just click here for the rules.

Also, check out these giveaways:

  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Yahoo! Buzz
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
  • MySpace
  • LinkedIn
  • Live
  • Google
  • Reddit
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  • Propeller
  • Slashdot
  • Netvibes


  1. Jesstooimpress said...

    Ahhh im totally going to keep entering! I wanttt thisss

  2. Shirley brondum said...

    What's the update? All rules seem to be the same.

  3. Anonymous said...

    its on, jesstooimpress, its on!

  4. Passion Parties by Carline said...

    in it....

  5. mikeandcherie said...

    Thank You, Thank You for the chance to win. I am feeling lucky! I am in it to win it.

    tweeting everyday @mikeandcherie

    Love & Light

  6. burgmissy said...

    Thank you for the chance to win I have entered several of your giveaways

  7. Carolyn M said...

    Great prize, especially if I win!! Thanks for running the comp

  8. Tulip2uk said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. Tulip2uk said...

    I would so love this prize


    Sapphire2uk on Twitter

  10. Kathy P said...

    i hope im tweeting right to win I HOPE..LOL

  11. jhals said...

    Great prize!

  12. Anonymous said...

    I am going to be like a stalker- pouncing on the post man as walks up our drive to deliver this to my door

  13. Abby said...

    This would be so awesome to give my son for his 17th birthday!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

  14. rosie said...

    still trying to focus.. where is the update? have I won?

  15. claude said...

    Yes, I need this.

  16. Unknown said...

    I really do need this.

  17. Caffeinatrix said...

    I've tweeted this a bajillion times but I will tweet it a bajillion more because I? Need a phone and an iPhone would be the most awesomest one I could ever hope for...

  18. BobTheWizard said...

    Tweeted and retweeted.

    In it to win it


  19. diego said...

    I would be so happy to have a querty keyboard!

  20. diego said...

    I tweeted you again!

  21. Gonzalo VĂ©lez Jahn said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  22. Anonymous said...

    I will win one of these days! RT on Twitter =) feix62

  23. Howard Roarke said...

    I really want to win. I tweet everyday trying to win. Love the site!

  24. Jennifer Irving said...

    I've twittered for my extra 10... I want this!!!!

  25. denise s said...

    tweeted lottiegirlx

  26. Rica said...

    would love this!

  27. Dragoonxgears said...

    retweeted. twitter name DragoonXgears

  28. Penelope Ann Thompson said...

    Tweetin' for 10x entry!

  29. HODGEPODGESPV said...

    this is sure a winner!

  30. diego said...

    I tweeted for 10 extra entries! Wow! Yes, I am in it to win it!

  31. Lori said...

    Love this giveaway! Tweeted for 10 extra entries!

    twitter name: gutimom

  32. Carrie said...

    I am in it to win IT!!

  33. Anonymous said...

    I hope i'm tweeting right!
    grannysmither on twitter

  34. Sharon said...

    I tweeted! Awesome giveaway! :)
    Thank you. (@sharonsnest)

  35. Gamer Girl said...


  36. Unknown said...

    Just re-tweeted!

  37. johnna92 said...

    Please enter me.

  38. Anonymous said...

    I would LOVE to win this. I just bought a palm Treo 700wx off of Ebay in hopes to get it flashed over for metro pcs.. Now they say it cant be done for my phone. :(

  39. Anonymous said...

    I am RT as much as I can!! ty

  40. ali991 said...

    Please enter me!

  41. Isolated Existence. said...

    I tweeted!

  42. Penelope Ann Thompson said...

    tweet for 10x additional entries, oh yes!

  43. Penelope Ann Thompson said...

    PS = I will be tweetin' many times!

  44. Lori said...

    Tweeted for 10 extra entries!

  45. denise s said...

    tweeted from lottiegirlx

  46. Isolated Existence. said...

    I tweeted!