TWO-WEEK GIVEAWAY: Sex and the City: Complete Series!

7/20/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Sex and the City: The Complete Series!

A $250 value!!

We've given two of these away before and it was so popular, we're doing it again!

In this case, you've got two weeks to win it!

I'm giving away ONE copy. The contest will end on August 3, 2009 at 10 p.m. I will post the winner on August 4, 2009. And there are three ways to win!

TO WIN VIA EMAIL: Make sure you're a member of this site by clicking here, leave a comment on this post that you have entered, and then send an email to that you have entered.

TO WIN ON TWITTER: Leave a comment on this page that you have entered and then Tweet the following message to your readers:

Just entered the Sex and the City Complete Series DVD contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back too!

TO WIN ON FACEBOOK: To win, just become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan." On that page, leave a comment that you have entered the contest and then leave a comment on this page that you have entered the contest.

Good luck!


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  • Netvibes


  1. Ashley said...

    I entered via Twitter, here's the link to my post:



  2. Cheryl H. said...


    in it to win it!

  3. Heather Garrison said...

    Just entered on FB.

  4. Karrie said...

    I entered

  5. Andrew said...

    I've entered this in all three places:
    by email and on Facebook.

  6. Lupita said...

    I've entered

  7. Unknown said...

    I tweeted.

  8. Unknown said...

    I entered via Facebook Comment.

  9. Jack said...

    Enter me please. My girl would love for me to be able to watch them all with her.

  10. marbles999 said...

    Entered via Twitter:


  11. Darlowe said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  12. Yelena said...

    I entered via twitterr. LenkaLovee.

  13. Darlowe said...

    I think Ive Entered on Twitter???

    and Maybe Facebook

  14. furygirl3132 said...

    I entered on Twitter:
    and I entered on Facebook as well (Eloise Carlson).
    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!


  15. Anonymous said...

    I just entered via Facebook with the name Alexandru Stefan Totir.
    Thank you!

    P.S.: If we do all the 3 things (email, Twitter, Facebook), do they count like 3 entries or it's still just one?

  16. starkiller99 said...

  17. Dawn WALSH said...

    Ok i figured this out now im entering the contest and also on facebook

  18. Anonymous said...

    Just subscribed to the email updates onelucky1{at}yahoo{dot}com

  19. Audrey said...

    I smell a winner! @Vinylaced

  20. Kat C said...

    Week in Rewind might be your name. But I can't wait to check in Every Week Day to see what you are giving away. Sex and The City is a great one to find. Thank you Week in Rewind
    for this great give-a-way.

    oHIoKit entered via Twitter

  21. TdBttrfly said...

    Probably have only seen 2 episodes of Sex and the City. I have entered to win. Twitter username is Tdbttrfly.

  22. Ladytink_534 said...

    I entered on Facebook!

  23. Teresa E said...

    I entered! already a fan and now off to tweet!

  24. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  25. Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

    I have is link to tweet:


    mandjregan at gmail dot com

  26. rosie said...

    I've twittered, commented on fb, now I'm here. It's like being married.. so many hoops to jump through and could still be unrewarded...trying so hard to get things right and maintain my individuality!

  27. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for a chance to win this giveaway. I posted a tweet. Thank You!

  28. Unknown said...

    Great contest. I entered via facebook

  29. Anonymous said...

    I'm following you on Twitter and I twitted that message. See here: ;)

  30. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  31. Veronica said...

    I entered..

  32. Crystal Vilkaitis said...

    I've entered to win Sex and the City, the complete box set!

  33. Mike said...

    Entered on FB. Thanks!

  34. Penelope Ann Thompson said...

    entered/commented on Facebook! Great giveaway! Thanks again!

  35. BethW7372 said...

    I entered via twitter, here's the link to my post:

  36. sullconsul said...

    Just entered this great contest

  37. Lorie Shewbridge said...

    Great show!! Thanks

  38. tkharmonic (Terri) said...

    I entered on twitter, loved the series, would love to win it.

  39. plb8156 said...

    Another amazing giveaway, count me in
    plb8156 on twitter
    Patti Connors Bright on facebook

  40. SavvyShopper said...

    I sent an email entry. Thanx.

  41. SavvyShopper said...

    I tweeted this contest.

  42. SavvyShopper said...

    I have also entered on Facebook.


  43. m_d_star said...

    I'm in via twitter!

    twitter - @m_d_star
    email -

  44. hatetohate said...

    have entered on twitter

  45. Serena said...

    I entered via e-mail!

  46. Serena said...

    I entered via e-mail!

  47. Ushpa said...

    Great prize! I'm in. Thanx.

  48. Becca_216 said...

    I entered via Twitter!!

  49. meg said...

    entering via twitter @meghanlamb

  50. Anonymous said...

    I have also subscribed to receive email updates with this address: alex17stef @

  51. Sandra Gail said...

    Just entered the Sex and the City Complete Series DVD contest!

  52. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  53. Cindy B.of Montana said...

    I'll be tweeting to win!

  54. Cindy B.of Montana said...

    I'm entering on Facebook!

  55. Unknown said...

    Omg it would be a dream to win this!

    Just entered the Sex and the City Complete Series DVD contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back too!

  56. Unknown said...

    I'm tweeting to win this. Thanks for the contest!

  57. Karrie said...

    I entered :)

  58. Crystal Vilkaitis said...

    Just entered on Twitter too! I'm @madametwit, thanks!

  59. Unknown said...



  60. Deb K said...

    I entered and Tweet

  61. Heather Garrison said...

    Just tweeted and emailed.

  62. Amy G. said...

    I've entered via email, Facebook, and Twitter:

    Thanks for the cool giveaway :).

  63. Karen said...

  64. pvv said...

    I'm entered!

  65. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  66. Anonymous said...

    I entered

  67. Mariana S. said...

    1. Email entry: I subscribed to the email updates from Week in Rewind.

  68. phackett57 said...

    I tried to win this set the last time, thanks for offering this again

  69. cherdon said...

    I entered via email

  70. cherdon said...

    I tweeted this giveaway on twitter

  71. cherdon said...

    Fan on facebook (left comment stating I entered contest)Thanks for this wonderful giveaway

  72. Jesse J. said...

    In it to win it! @jessejacobsss

  73. QUBIC said...

    Count me in!

  74. ANovelMenagerie said...

    Would love to win. I never win anything! I'm twittering it on anovelmenagerie. I follow/subscribe.

    A Novel Menagerie

  75. Lilly said...

    I entered.

  76. Ashley said...

    Just entered on twitter!

  77. Ashley said...

    I meant facebook! opps

  78. Unknown said...

    I entered on Twitter @bridget3420

  79. Unknown said...

    I entered via Facebook - Bridget Hopper

  80. Unknown said...

    Just entered via email


  81. Kath said...

    Entered via Facebook Comment.

  82. Mariana S. said...

    2. Twitter entry: following you (@mariyssa) and twitted (

  83. Stefanie Zucker said...

    I enter via email (and I already follow you via Twitter @pediatricsafety )

  84. Math said...

    count me in.

  85. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  86. Unknown said...

    i have entered sex and the city contest

  87. Mariana S. said...

    3. Facebook entry: I became a fan on Facebook and posted a comment there.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  88. Kathy P said...


  89. Michelle said...

    I entered via Twitter

  90. Katie | said...

    Entering via twitter! Tweet!
    kkondek at

  91. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  92. msgulliver said...

    I just sent a tweet out to all my fans. I hope you get lots of followers.

  93. Unknown said...

    "Sex and the City" that's for me.. The complete whole series that's what your saying!!!!
    oHIoKit entered via Twitter today...
    Thank you for a great give-a-way

  94. Pricousins said...

    I just tweeted it here:

  95. Pricousins said...

    I also entered on FB.

  96. @alanthearab said...

    I've entered on twitter

  97. wildchild said...

    Entered via Twitter and Email

  98. Learning Love..... said...

    i entered via twitter!!

  99. Unknown said...

    I tweeted.

  100. Unknown said...

    I entered

  101. Unknown said...

    I tweeted the giveaway here:

  102. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  103. roxy =^o^= said...

    I tweeted and FB'd you - hope I win! I love Sex & The City :)

  104. Sherri S. said...

    Commented on fb :)

  105. Kat C said...

    Jumped over to Facebook to check it out..I left a brief comment to tell about...The complete series of Sex and the City That WeekinRewind is giving out 2...1 lucky winner
    Kathryn Alkire Church

  106. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I have subscribed to your blog via email and I also follow you on twitter! I sent you an email from


    My Email is

  107. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I also follow you on twitter and my name there is APrkAvePrincess
    feel free to follow me as well and I've been tweeting

    Just entered the Sex and the City Complete Series DVD contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back too!

    Thanks again Amy (on Twitter: APrkAvePrincess) and email (

    Thanks SO much! I'm a HUGE fan and would LOVE to win!

    xoxo AMY

  108. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I did ALL three! I also am a fan on facebook! I posted a comment on your "wall". I am "Amy Santos"



  109. throuthehaze said...

    entered via twitter

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  110. Jill said...

    I've entered on Twitter @jillyo.


  111. Giselle said...

    Tweeted! :)

    Would love to win this!!

  112. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  113. andreearxy said...

    I used the email option to enter this giveaway - andreearxy[@]yahoo[.]com

  114. Jen said...

    I just entered via Twitter



  115. Monnie said...

    I entered via Twitter & I follow you, too! :)
    This is absolutely my favorite series!!! I could watch each years' episodes over & again & never get tired of it... much to the disdain of my fiance! LOL - jk: he doesn't really watch, but doesn't mind it either: thinks some are pretty funny & he even watched the movie with me!! :)

    Such a great giveaway idea!!
    Monnie (Believer30)

  116. Monnie said...

    I just entered via Twitter. My absolute favorite show - I could watch every year over & over again!! (to the disdain of my fiance! LOL) -jk: he doesn't really watch, but doesn't mind...thinks some are pretty funny.

    Monnie (Believer30)

  117. Jaime said...

    I just entered via Twitter

  118. Anonymous said...

    *Entered and would love to win*

  119. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  120. cheryl said...

    entered @icheryl22
    in it to win it!

  121. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  122. Kat C said...

    I have entered again by doing a RT

  123. cheryl said...

    in it to win it :)

  124. Tina said...

    Just tweeted..



  125. elfqueen98 said...

    i entered

  126. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  127. Tina said...

    Just tweeted..

    ID: sweeps4us


  128. Nicky said...

    Tweet Tweet :)


  129. aniemels said...

    Oooh what a fantastic prize! xx


  130. Sarafina1977 said...

    Entered via Twitter @sarafina1977

  131. Flutterby said...

    I tweeted it!!

  132. Unknown said...

    I just entered on FB! Nice page.

  133. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  134. Bcteagirl said...

    About to tweet! Posting this first as per instructions ;)

  135. Lisa said...

    I love sex in the City

  136. Unknown said...


  137. binabug said...

  138. chromiumman said...

    ive entered on twitter

    twitter username - chromiumman

  139. BRABUS said...

    Count me in:
    My email is brabuswest(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  140. Vera said...

    I entered via twitter!

  141. BRABUS said...

    Count me in again, please, for signing up to your email service.
    My email is brabuswest(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  142. Karrie said...

    I entered

  143. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  144. BRABUS said...

    Count me in; I did the Facebook thing too.
    My real name is Mihai Dinu and my email is brabuswest(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  145. KristenH said...

    I would absolutely love to win Sex and the City: Complete Series on DVD. I have seen some of the episodes in reruns and have enjoyed them so much. However, I would love to finally be able to see them all. I would really enjoy being able to see all of them. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  146. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  147. djgroz said...

    Thanks for the chance to win this prize!

  148. Unknown said...

    I entered.

  149. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  150. Cheryl H. said...

    @clrg22 :) in it tto win in

  151. Raul Torres said...

    My fav show sex and the city!!

  152. 1stopmom said...

    I just entered via twitter

  153. Lupita said...

    Entered via Twitter @Lucky_Gem

  154. Becca_216 said...

    Entered on twitter.

    Thought the winner was going to be announced on August 4th?

  155. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...

  156. jeff hill said...

    Enter Me...