Jamie Foxx wants to be Mike Tyson

10/10/2009 Posted by Admin

Impersonations are his thing, his body has bulked up over the years, and so why not? Jamie Foxx, who nailed Ray Charles in the biopic "Ray," is looking to ditch the piano for a pair of boxing gloves.

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From Dark Horizons:

Jamie Foxx is keen on re-teaming with “Ray” director Taylor Hackford on a biopic of former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson. Foxx says "We have a certain kinship, and we've talked about when we do get back together what it would be like. I think, for something like this, it would be great because everybody remembers that era. And it's been a long enough time that people need a refreshening."

Makes perfect sense.

Here's an aside: I saw Tyson at a Vegas casino last December. He was trying to pick up a cocktail waitress and having no problem doing so. Entranced, I sat there listening to his Mickey Mouse voice, which the cocktail waitress apparently was happy to overlook but which left me in tears, and watched Tyson slip her a key, presumably to his room. That's the real Tyson.

I want that scene--and what transpires from it--in the movie.

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