Joss Whedon's "The Cabin in the Woods" Delayed A Year

10/10/2009 Posted by Admin

He'll be just fine as a shut-in. Hell, he'll have to be.

Word on the street is that MGM is pushing Joss Whedon's horror movie, "The Cabin in the Woods," back from Feb. 5, 2010 to January 14, 2011.

Why the delay? Read more below.

MGM reps tell the reason they're doing this is because the early response to the film has been phenomenal and they're going to spend six months or so converting the picture to 3-D.

Given Whedon's excellent reputation, I believe that the movie likely is going to be good, and since 3D is all the rage now, converting the picture into that format is a wise move.

So, we wait.

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