Moses is Getting the "300" Treatment? See You in Hell!

10/12/2009 Posted by Admin

What in fresh hell is this?

Moses--yes, him--is getting the "300" treatment, apparently so it will feel more like that pic or "Braveheart" than "The Ten Commandments,” the 1956 Cecil B. DeMille film.

More after the jump.

According to Variety:

For his first significant film project acquisition, Peter Chernin is taking on a project of Biblical proportions.

20th Century Fox has made a preemptive acquisition of a pitch to tell the story of Moses in "300" style. The tale will start with his near death as an infant to his adoption into the Egyptian royal family, his defiance of the Pharoah and deliverance of the Hebrews from enslavement.

The popular mythical and magical elements inherent in the Book of Exodus will be there--including the plagues visited upon Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea--but the Cooper & Collage version will also include new elements of Moses’ life that the writers culled from Rabbinical Midrash and other historical sources.

And there you have it--Moses as 2012. Moses as 300. Or, better yet, Moses was just sent down the river again.

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