Twilight: Breaking Dawn Is Not Greenlit

10/12/2009 Posted by Admin

Don't count on Twilight: Breaking Dawn to be in theaters anytime soon.

Curiously enough, Summit Entertainment, which owns the right to a first pass at the franchise, has yet to green light it.

More after the jump.

According to Gossip Cop, there currently are no plans for a fourth Twilight movie. A Summit Entertainment rep tells them that the movie hasn’t been greenlit, nor have they begun to make any decisions about start date, director, or anything else.

But let's not get our panties in a bunch just yet.

AS IF this book won't make it to screen. Just because it hasn't been greenlit now only means that Summit is waiting to see how the second film, The Twilight Saga: New Moon," does in theaters. If it's a hit, do the math.

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