Paramount Wants More Paranormal Activity

"Saw VI," and so the greedy motherf@ckers at Paramount naturally want to ruin a good movie by giving it a sequel. Hello "Blair Witch!" And by the way, Hello, Paramount! You better bring it if you're going to best what already has been done.
Anyquestionablemove, here's the scoop from E!:
Is too much of a good thing ever really bad?And there you have it. Obviously, from a pure business perspective, why wouldn't they do it? They've made major money from this movie. Their marketing campaign was inspired--and took the power of social media to a new level. So! Paranormal Activity 2. For those of you who saw the movie, I guess we'll find out what happens when all faded to black.
Paramount Pictures is willing to test that theory. "We have the rights on a worldwide basis to do Paranormal 2," studio chairman Brad Grey tells the Los Angeles Times of newly released sleeper hit Paranormal Activity. "We're looking to see if that makes some sense."
The out-of-nowhere box office powerhouse cost just $15,000 to produce, and has already brought in upwards of $62.5 million.
Would a Paranormal sequel go the way of the second Blair Witch Project—absolutely nowhere? Only time will tell.
But is it a good idea? Please offer your thoughts in the comments section. We do, after all, value your comments and seek them out.
October 29, 2009 at 8:01 PM
i think the movie was perfectly made. all the right parts were scary and it really left you wondering. and going to bed that night wasnt happening. they should defintely make a second one.