Music Video Review: Taylor Swift’s "Fifteen"
Allow me to preface this by stating that I love Taylor Swift. I think she’s adorable, her songs are relentlessly catchy, and I usually enjoy her music videos, particularly her video for "You Belong With Me." Having said that, after watching the video for "Fifteen
The video is arguably one of the worst I’ve seen in recent months. Granted, the point of a music video is not always to tell an intricate, elaborately formed story as some artists seem to believe; rather, it is to entertain viewers, and "Fifteen" does not accomplish that goal. The video features Taylor standing in a digitally enhanced field of flowers while she strums her guitar. She looks young and fresh and lovely in her fluttery white dress, but I was tired of watching her wander aimlessly after one minute--4.5 minutes was torturous overkill.
The special effects in "Fifteen" are especially irritating. The butterflies flitting around her guitar, the animated teardrop falling ever so slowly onto the flower--all of it seemed cheesy and juvenile. I’ll admit that the scene with Taylor and her best friend in the video, Annabelle, whispering to each other in class was rather cute, but my favorite part of the video was definitely when it ended. I like the song and think it delivers an important message for young girls, but I hope that Taylor’s next video is more entertaining.
View the video for "Fifteen
December 21, 2009 at 9:12 AM
Her best friend's name is Abigail, not Annabelle.