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Christopher Nolan Talks "Inception" Challenges

1/18/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

"The Dark Knight" director Christopher Nolan has finally spoken about his upcoming, mind-bending thriller "Inception," granting his first interview about the film to The Los Angeles Times.

According to the interview, Noland said: "We're trying to tell a story on a massive scale, a true blockbuster scale--the biggest I've ever been involved with. We tried to make a very large-scale film with 'The Dark Knight' and with this one, we wanted to push that even further."

Story-wise, expect a very large scope: "I grew up watching James Bond films and loving those and watching spy movies with their globetrotting sensibility.... We get to do that here, not just geographically but also in time and dimensions of reality as well. We get to make a movie that's expansive, I suppose you'd say, in four dimensions."

Emma Thomas, Nolan's wife and the film's producer, says the film is something they've been talking about on and off for seven or eight years.

Said Thomas: “Coming off of the ‘The Dark Knight,’ the only thing we really knew is that we wanted to do something more personal. It seemed like the right time to do this. The fact that it’s really just an enormous movie--that wasn’t ever really a factor in the decision. This story lends itself to a movie of this size."

Hearing Nolan talk about the film just makes me even more excited to see it. I like the fact that it’s shrouded in mystery, and the film could end up being Nolan’s best yet. And that’s saying a lot when your previous films were “The Dark Knight,” “The Prestige” and “Memento.”

On top of the fact that, Nolan is an amazing director and he has assembled some of the most talented actors in Hollywood today for the film. Both Leonardo Dicaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are favorites of mine. Anyone who likes Levitt and hasn’t seen “Brick” or “(500) Days of Summer” must do so ASAP.

“Inception” will be released July 16, 2010.

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