Sunday, March 16, 2025

"Four Brothers" Sequel Planned

1/18/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

A sequel to John Singleton's 2005 drama "Four Brothers" is in development at Paramount Pictures, says The Hollywood Reporter.

According to the Hollywood Reporter: Paramount is developing a sequel to its 2005 thriller "Four Brothers," bringing back many of the creative team from the first film.

Mark Wahlberg is eyeing a return to star and hatched the sequel idea with original writers David Elliot and Paul Lovett, who are writing "Five." Lorenzo Di Bonaventura is back to produce.

The 2005 movie, directed by John Singleton, revolved around four adopted brothers (Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin and Garrett Hedlund) who come together to avenge their mother's death in what at first appears to be a random robbery. Although not a massive hit, it still grossed $74 million in domestic box office.

Entitled "Five Brothers," the story details are being kept under wraps but will likely include three of the five original characters--hotheaded Bobby (Wahlberg), hard-edged Angel (Gibson), and businessman Jeremiah (Benjamin). Hedlund would appear to be out, as his character was killed in the first movie.

It’s actually kind of a shame they killed of Hedlund’s character. He’s about to star in “Tron Legacy” and is poised to be one of the breakout stars of 2010.

Either way, for some reason, “Four Brothers” always has been a personal favorite of mine. While obviously no award winner, it’s an enjoyable blend of story, action and humor.

Hopefully the sequel will bring more of the same, but on a bigger scale.

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