Thursday, March 13, 2025

Teresa Palmer In "Mad Max: Fury Road"?

1/18/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

While doing interviews at a special presentation by DreamWorks Animation the other day, actor Jay Baruchel accidentally revealed that his "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" co-star, Teresa Palmer, is joining the cast of George Miller's "Mad Max: Fury Road," reports The Herald Sun.

According to the Sun: Jay Baruchel told reporters interviewing him for the new Dreamworks film “How To Train Your Dragon” that Palmer, who splits her time between Australia and Hollywood, was preparing for a gruelling shoot on the new Mad Max episode.

Palmer's Sydney agency Shanahan's would not comment on the casting yesterday, nor would production house Kennedy Miller.

Said Baruchel: "She gets to work with him, and she's (going to be) doing 'Mad Max 4' with Miller. She's the main chick in 'Fury Road'. She's going to be there for over a year. It's really, really cool."

Details are secret, so it's not known if Palmer will replace or star with Charlize Theron, who signed on to the project last October. Actor Tom Hardy plays Max.

Palmer was previously cast in Miller's aborted "Justice League of America" film adaptation, so clearly he has a soft spot for Aussie actress. Only time will tell to see if these rumors are true, but after using a ton of technology and CGI on “Happy Feet,” it will be interesting to see how Miller tackles the “Mad Max” world once again.

“Fury Road” will be released in 2011.

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  1. Douglas0327 said...

    I hope the rumors are true. I am looking forward to seeing this movie.