Thursday, March 13, 2025

Details On Jason Segel's "The Greatest Muppet Movie Of All Time"

2/13/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

Two week's ago, news hit that James Bobin (dir. "Flight of the Conchords") was officially attached to direct Disney's new Muppet movie. Previously known as "The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made," some of the details of the film have now surfaced, reports The Playlist.

According to The Playlist: Written by Jason Segel ("Forgetting Sarah Marshall," TV's "Freaks and Geeks," "How I Met Your Mother") and Nicholas Stoller (dir. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"), the script has previously been known as "The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made," but the film, and script--which is evidently somewhat hard to get your hands on--is now called, "The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time."

According to a friend of The Playlist: "The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time" is about Gary, Mary, and Walter (a man, his girlfriend, and the man's life-long nondescript, brown puppet best friend) getting the old Muppet gang--now retired entertainers known for the same Muppet show we know them from--together to save the TV studio that the original show was shot in. A villain, Tex Richman, bent on drilling for oil underneath the studio, is due to take over the studio in weeks and the only way to stop him? Putting on a show that draws 10 million viewers.

Segel and Stoller proved more than capable during their puppet-heavy musical number in "Sarah Marshall," so I think this film has potential to be great. The Muppets haven’t been relevant for decades, and it’ll be nice to see them introduced to another generation. With a talented guy like Segel behind it, this film is moving in the right direction.

Look for the new “Muppet” film sometime in 2011.

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