Thursday, March 13, 2025

Martin Scorsese Lines Up Projects After "Hugo Cabret"

2/13/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

With Martin Scorsese’s psychological thriller, “Shutter Island,” less than two weeks away from its release, the next thing everybody wants to know from the Scorsese is, what’s next? The Playlist reports on Scorcese’s upcoming slate, which will start with his first children’s film, “Hugo Cabret.”

According to The Playlist: Scorsese will be making his first children’s movie The “Invention of Hugo Cabret,” an adaptation of Brian Selznick’s best-selling children’s historical fiction book set in 1930s Paris.

Following “Cabret” will be the long-awaited 17th century Jesuit Priest drama “Silence,” which was set to star Daniel Day-Lewis, Benicio Del Toro and Gael Garcia Bernal.

Said Scorsese: "Everything was ready for 'Silence.' But the film was shifted to be shot immediately after this project [Hugo Cabret]."

Following “Silence,” Scorsese will get behind a project with Robert De Niro entitled “The Irishman,” the mob drama that was formally known as "I Heard You Paint Horses." De Niro's character in the film is named Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran, who is reputed to have carried out more than 25 mob murders. When it was reported in early 2008, the writer on the project was Steve Zaillian ("American Gangster," the original draft of "Moneyball").

The final project--which may, in fact, be the first to be released--is Scorsese’s George Harrison documentary, which may or may not get a theatrical release but which is slated to be released this year.

To everyone’s benefit, these aren't the only two projects he has ready to go as he's keeping himself busy for the next few years. Already deep in production on an HBO series “Boardwalk Empire,” Scorsese also is developing a Frank Sinatra biopic and a Franklin Roosevelt project that he'll produce.

Scorsese is a legendary director, so it’s nice to see him keeping active. He is one director who has not suffered from getting older. His recent work has been great with “Gangs of New York,” “The Aviator” and “The Departed” all garnering many awards, so there is no reason to think any of his upcoming films won’t do the same.

I’m excited to see Scorsese tackle the thriller genre with “Shutter Island.” The trailers look creepy and suspenseful, and I think it should be a good film. It also will be interesting to see how the director puts his own spin on a children’s film with “Cabret.”

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