Monday, March 17, 2025

Music Video Review: Goldfrapp's “Rocket”

3/17/2010 Posted by Admin

Music Video Review

Goldfrapp's “Rocket”

By our guest blogger, Megan O'Malley

“Rocket,” Goldfrapp’s newest video, combines colorful antics, a semi truck and more duct tape than you can imagine. This delightful mixture not only shows Goldfrapp’s creativity but also gives listeners an idea of what their latest album will sound like.

The video focuses on a curly blond haired girl as she drives a semi truck out into the desert. Attached to the back of that truck is, you guessed it, a rocket. But not just any rocket--this one comes in shades of pink and purple, each of which fit perfectly into the desert landscape. The frightened passenger along for this ride is a person covered from head to foot in massive amounts of duct tape. It looks like a full-body cast from cartoons but with a grayish silver tone to it. Goldfrapp’s use of special effects in this video is really what makes it, from the rocket blasts to the semi-truck shots.

While the video for “Rocket” is great the song itself is even better. It’s catchy without being annoying and the lead singer’s voice is perfect for the lyrics. She sings them in this kind of teasing way; it really grabs the listener and makes them want to hear more. Goldfrapp is made up of only two people but from the sound of “Rocket” you would expect a full band. If this song is setting the tone for what “Head First” is going to sound like then I can’t wait to hear it.

Grade: A

View the video for Goldfrapp's "Rocket" below.  What are your thoughts?

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