Tuesday, March 18, 2025

"Predators" Movie Trailer Review

3/17/2010 Posted by Admin

Movie Trailer Review


By our guest blogger, Joel Crabtree

There are two movies that exemplify manliness more than most others in film history: "Predator" and "Point Break." Remaking either one of these would be a serious undertaking weighed down by enough expectations to scare off the most ambitious directors and producers.

That's where Robert Rodriguez steps in.

Most known for his work as a writer-director and overall renaissance film man, Rodriguez has proved that he is not afraid to tackle tough projects, as his movies "El Mariachi" and "Sin City" suggest. He's a true rebel.

Rodriguez, who serves as a producer on "Predators," a reboot of the franchise, introduces a sneak peak released this week. It seems as though "Predators," directed by Nimrod Antal ("Vacancy," "Armored"), makes some smart decisions, the first of which is trying to separate itself from 1987's "Predator."

Yes, fingerprints from John McTiernan's original can be found all over the clips, but it's also evident that "Predators" is looking to establish itself as its own entity. Rather than put Dwayne Johnson or Karl Urban in the lead (obvious choices to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger) Antal has cast Topher Grace, Adrien Brody and Laurence Fishburne, bringing the movie out of the muscle-bound shadows of 1987.

As good as the cast is, Antal is an even more perfect choice to direct. Mostly lauded for his eye for style, Antal's ability to create unnerving tension and his breakneck pacing often go overlooked. He will no doubt use all of those skills in "Predators."

For fans of the original--and all of the machismo that comes with it--it seems as if the franchise is finally back on its feet. After a let-down sequel and a disastrous "Alien vs. Predator," "Predators" will be a breath of fresh air, even if it doesn't live up to the standards set by Arnold and Carl Weathers.

View the trailer for "Predators" below. What are your thoughts?

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  1. @graywolfpack said...

    Ok, this looks real good! Kind of a reboot, but with a different twist to make it different. Nice.

  2. Edward29 said...

    Alright! a real Predator sequel.
    I pretend the AVP movies never happend.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Here is a first look at the new Predators movie: http://bit.ly/bfk88L