Thursday, March 13, 2025

Music Video Review: Gorillaz “Stylo”

3/15/2010 Posted by Admin

Music Video Review

Gorillaz “Stylo”
Features Mos Def and Bobby Womack

By our guest blogger, Megan O'Malley

The Gorillaz new video, “Stylo,” is a high-speed piece of work that is a throwback to the old 70s car chase scenes in movies. With the desert winds and winding roads, these newly 3-D animated animals take car chases to new levels.

“Stylo” starts up on a seemingly abandoned road in the desert. As the song builds the car slowly comes into view racing down the highway at breakneck speed. Eventually, a cop chases them, but the group gets away not without some casualties though. Their journey is not over because coming up to find them is the one and only Bruce Willis. He keeps looking at the camera with this look that says “do you think I’m gonna catch them? Because you can bet your ass I am!” A high speed gun fight ensues with Willis looking like a maniac. Meanwhile, the grim reaper overtakes a cop as he tries to rescue his donuts from the car crash he was in. The ending of “Stylo” is as mysterious as the Gorillaz themselves.

The song “Stylo” is an instant classic. It has that well-worn in Gorillaz sound to it which is only made better by the addition of Mos Def and Bobby Womack. Their style is dark but upbeat at the same time. “Plastic Beach” is their latest album and the “Stylo” is a perfect way to kick it off.

Grade: A

You can view the video below. What are your thoughts?

Gorillaz - Stylo from webddl on Vimeo.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    I loved your blog. Thank you.