Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Music Video Review" Plants and Animals “The Mama Papa”

3/17/2010 Posted by Admin

Music Video Review

Plants and Animals “The Mama Papa”

By our guest blogger, Megan O'Malley

Plants and Animals use hypnotism to get viewers enthralled with their new video for the single “The Mama Papa.” Although it lacks certain elements that make videos great, Plants and Animals still have managed to create a fun piece of work.

The gray-scale video harks back to a time when people actually went to dinner and a show. Although the video as a whole for “The Mama Papa” is pretty good, the intro goes on far too long. There are 45 seconds without music plus a 30-second build up in the song--the two could have been combined to pull viewers into the action quicker. This sort of thing can make or break videos, and it is a definite fault with Plants and Animals. Storylines are good but they don’t need to take up the first quarter of the video.

Meanwhile, the actual song “The Mama Papa” is good if not too repetitive. The musical part is fantastic but the lyrics could use some work. Overall though, it’s a fairly catchy song and one that should be given a listen. Plants and Animals are young--they have time to grow and decide what they want to do with their music. As of right now, it seems as if they are heading in the right direction and just need work out a few of the kinks along the way. Who knows--maybe their next single will be better.

Grade: B-

View the video for "The Mama Papa" below. What are your thoughts?

The Mama Papa

Plants and Animals | MySpace Music Videos

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