"The Company Men" Movie Trailer Review
Movie Trailer Review
By our guest blogger, Rob Stammitti
It seems like it'll be hard to top "Up in the Air
The film follows three men, Bobby (Ben Affleck), Gene (Tommy Lee Jones) and Phil (Chris Cooper), all three downsized from their corporate jobs and forced to find a new place in life despite losing nearly everything they've grown accustomed to. Bobby goes to work doing drywalling with his brother-in-law Jack (Kevin Costner).
The trailer doesn't say too much about Jones or Cooper's characters, but it's quick to point out that all four of its leading actors are Academy Award winners (Affleck winning for writing as opposed to acting), which certainly gives it an air of importance--thankfully, it doesn't just depend on that fact, and we get little glimpses of all of the actors, who seem very much at the top of their game, Affleck especially. "Gone Baby Gone
Outside of the cast, the film seems like it could be great or unbearably schmaltzy (especially with Affleck screaming motivatonal speaking jargon from a rooftop to sweeping optimistic music--subtle, this trailer is not), hard to say for sure.
"The Company Men" will be released October 22, 2010. The trailer is below. What are your thoughts?
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