Taylor Swift's "Mine" Music Video Review

9/19/2010 Posted by Admin

Taylor Swift's "Mine"

Music Video Review

By our guest blogger, Gabrielle Corrado

I’ll be the first one to openly admit that I have a love-hate relationship with Taylor Swift. No matter how hard I try to dismiss her songs, with their sappy lyrics and country undertones, I always find myself humming along to them in the car or downloading them on iTunes after weeks of "holding out." That said, I can wholeheartedly say that I’ve truly disliked every single one of her music videos-- until I watched "Mine."

Let’s be honest: "Mine" is not a life-changing music video. It’s romantic and Taylor looks radiant and feminine and pretty, but the plot isn't exactly challenging.

In the video, Taylor plays a girl whose perception of love has been tarnished by the example that her quarreling parents have set for her. In a flashback sequence, young Taylor watches her parents fight openly as they pack up their home, presumably going their separate ways and leaving her smack dab in the middle of their marital troubles. The video cuts to the present and we find teenage Taylor seated at a diner, wholly entranced by her handsome blond waiter.

Things pick up quickly when we’re allowed a glimpse into the future. Surprise, surprise--it turns out that Taylor and the blond stud are meant to be.

Cynicism aside, the sequence is actually really, really adorable. We get to watch their relationship blossom in music-video time--first they’re young and falling in love, next they’re moving in together, then a proposal, a wedding and babies (!!!) follow suit.

I could have done without the melodramatic scene of the couple fighting in the kitchen, but the rest of the glimpse into the future was touching. The scenes of the couple frolicking on the beach were, in my opinion, beautifully shot and encapsulated the way it feels to fall in love.  Also, while it’s strange to see Taylor Swift getting married and having children and so on, I think that the video is refreshingly true-to-life and that a lot of Taylor’s audience, specifically younger girls, could relate to daydreaming about planning their lives with someone special. While I do flip-flop on my personal feelings about Taylor’s music, I do believe that she’s a great example for young girls and that "Mine" is definitely worth the listen.

Check out the music video to "Mine" below. What do you think?

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