Saturday, March 15, 2025

Schwarzenegger to Bring Governator to Life in 3D

4/07/2011 Posted by Admin

Schwarzenegger to Bring Governator to Life in 3D

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Nick Hanover

Now that Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't have all of California's problems to worry about, he's decided to put his energy into taking over comics and TV as well as returning to film with his Governator property. What's the Governator, you ask? Well, sit down, True Believer, and allow me to explain.

You see, when a living relic of comics mythology is very, very desperate to put his name on pretty much anything, and an aging superstar action hero turned political footnote love each other very, very much they sometimes agree to create a totally bonkers multimedia property together. And that's how something like the Governator is made, kids. An unholy alliance of Stan "The Man" Lee and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governator is either going to be the most hilarious self-referential bit of comic craziness ever or a total embarrassment for all involved. Or both.

Lee and Schwarzenegger don't seem to care either way, though, as the duo have already put together a plan for the comic to be followed by 52 animated episodes, the trailer of which can be found here. If that looks like a parody from Boondocks to you, don't worry--you're not alone. With any luck, the follow-up film will add the only ingredient currently missing from this apocalyptic collaboration and Tommy Wiseau will join the production as Schwarzenegger's even more mushy mouthed sidekick while tackling directing duties as well.

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