Friday, March 14, 2025

Charlie Sheen to Star on UK ‘Big Brother’?

4/07/2011 Posted by Admin

Charlie Sheen to Star on UK ‘Big Brother’?

Television News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

The appeal of most reality TV shows lies in the public’s interest in watching ridiculous human beings get entangled in ridiculous (manufactured) drama while saying ridiculous things and being, well, ridiculous. Would we really be all that interested in watching a show about Snooki if she was an educated, intelligent, and non-drunk young woman with a fairly neutral accent? We have our doubts.

So, with that in mind, it makes a whole lot of sense that, according to Deadline, the UK edition of “Big Brother” is looking at Charlie Sheen as a potential participant in their upcoming celebrity-centric season.

Can’t be any worse than “Two and a Half Men,” right?

Obviously, if the show was able to score The Winning One as a star, they’d be sure to attract a high viewership. Sheen is probably not as, um, “interesting” in the UK as he is in the States, but these days, it seems like our fixation on train-wreck celebrities is a universal pastime.

Which isn’t necessarily a good thing. Sheen, and people who behave as he does, get attention for the same reason that the kid who couldn’t stop pulling his pants down in second grade got attention. We’re entranced, wondering what this person could possibly do next.

However, when we consider that he’s treated women fairly violently in the past, maybe we should be a little more concerned about what he’s going to do next. He ought to be held more accountable for his actions; if we wouldn’t give a TV show to the abusive asshole who lives down the street, we probably shouldn’t give one to Charlie Sheen.

Oh well, as always, he will soon be replaced by another star whose antics draw controversy and attention. Sheen can only keep “winning” for so long.

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  1. Morning Quickie said...

    I can’t believe people would act like this. Not only Charlie but the 3000 people who joined in his insane rage:

    You can’t help but have sympathy for Denise Richards.