Hostel II: Movie Review, DVD Review, Blu-ray disc Review (2007)

10/26/2007 Posted by Admin

"Hostel II"


We're back in Slovakia, the dumb American men have been replaced by questionable American women (Lauren German, Bijou Phillips, Heather Matarazzo), and the bloodletting is amplified, with scene after disgusting scene making you question who in Hollywood greenlights this sort of crap.

This time out, those behind the series' death-for-payment scheme are revealed, which strips the movie of whatever mystery it might have had.

Given its larger budget, the movie does look better, but just try finding one well-mounted, extended scene of suspense, which takes the sort of patience and skill Roth doesn’t have.

Instead, in an effort to thank his target audience of males for sticking with him, Roth would rather offer a castration scene that's so graphic, it likely will leave most men crossing their legs for the rest of the show.

Unrated. Grade: C-

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