Hostel: Director's Cut: Movie Review, DVD Review, Blu-ray disc Review (2007)

10/26/2007 Posted by Admin

"Hostel (Director's Cut)"

From Eli Roth, this unrated director's cut features an ending deemed "too disturbing for theatrical audiences."

What exactly does that mean? Are DVD audience's any different from theatrical audiences? Do they go by a different code?

That's up for debate, but what isn't is that the film offers just what you expect from the torture porn genre.

Two unlikable young American men go off to Slovakia to backpack, do drugs and make general fools of themselves while they work hard to bed their share of women, a gender the movie hates.

At a Slovakian hostel, the men meet a few willing ladies and goodness, are they ever tricked by them. Soon, a madman with machine tools and dismemberment issues goes on a rampage. The blood violence he unleashes is gross, sure, but it doesn't shock.

Instead, since you don't care for anyone in this film, it only numbs.

Unrated. Grade: D

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