Toby Wilkins to Direct "Grudge 3"

Variety is reporting that Toby Wilkins is set to direct the latest in the Grudge franchise, "Grudge 3," in January.
From Variety: "Wilkins takes over from Takashi Shimizu, who helmed the second outing.
Wilkins is making his feature directing debut on "Splinter," a horror pic for ContentFilm that he is wrapping up. Raimi had hired him to helm "Tales of the Grudge," a series of short films to promote "The Grudge 2." His work, including the short film "Staring at the Sun" has also been screened at Sundance. Before directing, he did f/x and design work for James Cameron, Brett Ratner and Bryan Singer."
So, another "Grudge" movie. Great. I can't wait for that like I can't wait for the next Saw movie. Let's be clear: I could wait a lifetime for the next Saw movie.
As an aside, is it just me, or does the above photo, a still taken from "Grudge 2," look as if Cher fell down the stairs and, well, nobody got to her in time?
Just a thought.
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