That '70s Show: Season Seven (2007)

11/04/2007 Posted by Admin

"That '70s Show: Season Seven"

We’re back in Wisconsin and the kids (Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, Laura Prepon, Wilmer Valderamma, Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson) are more restless than ever.

So restless, in fact, that in this seventh season of the show, two leave the series with movie careers in mind--Grace’s Eric, Kutcher’s Kelso.

The highlights--or the lowlights, depending on whether you're a fan of the series and the era--include Hyde meeting his biological father in "Let’s Spend the Night Together” and “Til the Next Goodbye,” which mines real emotion when Eric departs the series for good.

In the end, "That '70s Show" always has been a crude, simple parody of an era, but one that's more entertaining than some will expect.

Grade: B

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