Underdog: DVD Review, Blu-ray Review (2007)

12/21/2007 Posted by Admin

“Underdog” DVD, Blu-ray

Oh, there's reason to fear--"Underdog" the movie is here, this time on DVD and Blu-ray.

Frederick Du Chau's live-action remake of the popular '60s cartoon is a by-the-numbers disappointment, so much so that one has to wonder upon seeing the movie whether Du Chau and his screenwriters now are considered a dog's best friend.

It's questionable.

This fractured, frenetic movie stays true to its source material in that it finds Underdog speaking in hokey rhymes, which might appeal to the very youngest of children (newborns, for instance), but it falls short of capturing the original's corny charm, which admittedly always was best served in small doses.
This isn't an awful movie--at least the animals are winning and Peter Dinklage is fun as a mad scientist--but from the gate, there's no question that its aspirations only were second-rate.

Rated PG. Grade: C-

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