Stardust: DVD Review, HD DVD Review (2007)

12/21/2007 Posted by Admin

“Stardust” DVD, HD DVD

Features as many subplots as there are stars in the sky.

Beyond the extra padding, the good news is that much of the movie is inspired fun. Ian McKellen narrates a movie that stars Charlie Cox as Tristan, a young man who lives within the enclosed hamlet of Wall, where he fancies an unpleasant young woman named Victoria (Sienna Miller), who suggests that if he wants her hand in marriage, he’ll bring her a star they watch fall just outside Wall’s walls.

It’s a dangerous task--outside is a world fraught with dark magic--but Tristan agrees and soon, he’s off to find his star, which turns out to be the lovely Yvaine (Claire Danes), with whom he embarks on a string of romantic adventures.

While none of this is as memorable or as good as "The Princess Bride," which remains a hallmark of the genre, "Stardust" has a strong enough cast to cast you above its unnecessary complications.

The actors are, in fact, having such a grand time of it here, you might find yourself enjoying the movie more for the energy they bring to their performances than for all the machinations that hurl them together. Features amusing co-starring turns by Peter O’Toole (overcome by the wardrobe department), Michelle Pfeiffer as a witch, and Robert De Niro as a cross-dressing pirate.

Rated PG-13. Grade: B

Read the full review here.

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