29 PHOTOS: Watchmen

7/17/2008 Posted by Admin

The eagerly anticipated "Watchmen" opens on March 6, 2009. Above are 29 photos of the film, all pulled from the film's trailer. Zack Snyder of "300" directs, which means we're going to have a visionary film, at the very least. Not so sure about the story, as the disappointing "300" suggests. Still, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt--it looks great.

Below is the official synopsis:

"After the success of 300, director Zach Snyder turns to another comic adaptation with WATCHMEN. The smart series from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons centers on a group of masked heroes who find their talents banned in a fictional America. Someone begins to take down the former heroes one by one, and a strange character named Rorschach begins to investigate."

Here is the film's official site, which also features the movie's very cool trailer.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Saw this trailer at "The Dark Knight" yesterday--I'm really looking forward to seeing this! DC Comics seems to be really moving to "the dark side!" ;)