PREVIEW: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Featurette

7/10/2008 Posted by Admin

Below is a three-minute featurette on "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," which opens wide on Aug. 15. The more I see of this movie, the more I think it was a good idea. It looks great.

The featurette offers an extensive look at behind-the-scene footage. Enjoy!

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Lord that looks terrible. So cheap and characterless. And ugly. A step above the horrible tv clone cartoon kiddie show, but that's just not saying very much. Awful.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Ever notice that production info about Star Wars is always about visual effects or pointless prop/costume/spaceship minutea?

    Never about character development, dramatic story arcs, dialogue or general script writing.

    Just what type of visor a clone trooper wears.

    They have amnesia about what made Star Wars great - Han Solo and Darth Vader characterizations and snappy dialogue.

  3. Unknown said...

    I Thought this was a game when i first it.Do we really want to see another star wars film set in the clone wars.It's time to give star wars a rest.

  4. Anonymous said...

    so Lucas finally got to make (or a least approve of) a whole Star Wars movie after his love for CGI... looks fun though