What did you think of X-Files: I Want to Believe?

7/25/2008 Posted by Admin

So, the new X-Files movie is just out today, "X-Files: I Want to Believe," which comes 10 years after their last cinematic effort, "X-Files: Fight the Future," hit theaters. And by all appearances, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have been able to fight the future--at least when it comes to the aging process. Each looks great, particularly Anderson.

But how was the movie?

Better than I expected, which wasn't much. A good deal of the reason the movie works as well as it does is because there still is undeniable chemistry between Scully and Mulder. As for the story, it did have nice little undercurrent of ugliness about it. Some of the set pieces were appealingly moody and dark. And my, I'd hate to be a Catholic priest after seeing it....

Full review coming shortly.

But now, more importantly, tell everyone what you thought of the movie in the poll below:

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