Twilight: What did you think?

11/21/2008 Posted by Admin

So, the new Twilight movie is out. Tweens are popping a cold sweat everywhere--or are they? At my packed screening, the energy was decidedly mixed. As for me, the movie has its moments and the acting was fair, but the story? Not so much.

Full review coming soon. But right now, more importantly, tell everyone what you thought of the film in the poll below.

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  1. Unknown said...

    I have never heard so much screaming from rabid fangirls in my life. The movie itself sucked though. The acting was what brought it down, since Robert Pattinson hates the books, and Kristen Stewart is not the biggest fan of the Twilight fandom.

  2. Anonymous said...

    You could definitely see what audience demographics this movie was aiming for. Preteens and teens, especially females, will keep this rotten tomatoes movie going. The acting was worse than mediocre and the dialogue stilted. Even though I had free passes, I still want the time I wasted back.

  3. Anonymous said...

    I am going to be the first to say that as of this summer, i wanted to be Bella SO much. i was in LOVE with edward, who seemed unbelievably perfect in all ways, and i wanted alice to be my best friend. the cullens seemed so great. charlie was sweet, and jacob was a darling, but the rest of the people of forks were pretty blah.

    and then i saw the movie (only an hour ago) WOW. i wasted SO MUCH MONEY and TIME watching that horrible horrible film. there was virtually NO chemistry between edward and bella, who were both very awkward and undesirable characters in themselves. edward seemed terribly, terribly dull, and looked really serious and like he had to think really hard before he could form a sentence. kristen stewart would have made a better juno than a bella, but frankly, i preferred whatsherface ms sarcastic for that role instead (i did not love that movie either!)

    o my god, that was horrible. carlise was one of my favorite characters, and he looked SO fake. he was as plastic as joan rivers! and he and the rest of the cullens, had, what? two lines in the movie?

    what happened to sweet, whimsical alice and heartwarming (literally!) jasper? i dont even think jasper had a single line! and come on, rosalie. were you really PMSing that bad? sure, you dont have a monthly flow, but you could have fooled me!

    and come ON the dialogue was SO forced, and why wasn't bella wearing pants in that bedroom scene? i mean come on! weirdest makeout scene EVER.

    oh, and worst special effects i have seen to the day. and i have seen the 60s remake of the Tempest, set on another planet. caliban was a freaking invisible alien, and the lasers took 5 seconds before they got 10 feet. yea. and why was edward scaling trees (never in the book) and why did the jumps look oh so fake?

    and why was bella spazzing out like the whole film? when edward said she should leave, it was like, um...hello m'am do you need help? are you a stroke victim or an epileptic that stumbled into the Fourth of July fireworks? i mean REALLY! i could GO ON!

    AHH! i hated this so much. the books were so good, and this was utter garbage without any expectations. ooooh this was INFURIATING.

  4. Admin said...

    Jamie: Amen to that! I was surrounded by titillated tweens. Scary!

    Maria: Negative word-of-mouth will kill this in two weeks.

    Hannah: That was genius. Some very funny lines, especially your Tempest comparison.


  5. littlehype said...

    It was decent, to say the least.

    It was sad to be a guy dragged to see this with the girlfriend. And be surrounded in a line with hundreds of small girls wearing black gloves, shirts, socks, and very small skimpy shorts. After one showing, girls would scream and jump into lines screaming and going on, "Oh my god, like oh my god, it was so, oh no, you don't know, like, like seriously, for real, oh my god, it was good, it was great." Then came the cries.

    Being bumped to grab a seat. The quiet hushed silences. For what, a vampire book on love. OH GOD.

    Granted the story seems alright, but a bit too much like Tru Blood. But why would these girls be so pumped, the director is horrible, it's none it would be crappy. She helmed, if you can call it that, Thirteen, Nativity Story, and Dogtown. The acting was beyond past due. The camera work was rushed and the editing too choppy, I got a headache, and I love fast cameras alas, Cloverfield and Blair Witch. The effects were pretty bad, even things not of that nature, his REAL eyes, in a close up you can see the outline of a contact lens.

    Overall the film was decent, the story kept my attention for most part. Even if this was a very predictable film that going in knowing nothing, can tell every single next frame here on in. Every Vampire was very obvious and pale. The fact that the family of Vamps is a secret is laughable.

    Its a B movie that gets a D if anything. But what else was expected from a crappy director. A poor turn from a beloved book. A vampire who is to be the most romantic is nice two times in a film. Girls fighting of teams of two guys, yet one guy is barely a cameo apperance. This hyped mess is sloppy, yet who knew, if you saw the trailer last year you could tell this was a bad train wreck.

  6. Anonymous said...

    I read the books and loved them but I seriously want the two hours of my life I spent watching the film back. Can't anyone make a film geared toward teens and tweens without insulting their intelligence? Teens are young, not stupid. The film was a great example of what you shouldn't do if you want to adapt a book to film. Actually, it's a good example of what you shouldn't do if you want to make a movie, period. It contained such terrible acting which is 40% the actors' fault and 60% the director's fault. The makeup was bad, just plain bad. You could see splotches where the white talcum powder wasn't spread evenly enough on the vampires. See Queen of the Damned for examples of good vamp makeup. The camera angles and effects were so random and varied it seemed as if Hardwicke was working from a long checklist from her first filmmaking 101 assignment from film school. Finally the action was so hurried and sloppy that it failed in conveying anything- anything at all- well except for the inadvertent comic relief provided during what was meant to be key dramatic scenes. I was never so glad for a movie to end in my whole life.