Sunday, March 23, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Dallas: Complete Tenth Season!

12/31/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Dallas: Complete Tenth Season!

Own it on DVD January 13, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Warner Home Video
for this opportunity!

Product description:

The Dallas folks celebrate a decade of backstabbing, lies, greed and lust with a Season 10 that sizzles with intrigue. To start, J.R. spreads his brand of poison far from Big D, throwing big bucks at a twisted mercenary eager to blow up Saudi oil fields. The Feds get wind of the plot -- they lean on J.R. until he sings like a Texas mockingbird -- and the mercenary decides the world would be a better place without J.R. And there’s another troublemaker making life interesting in Texas: a leather-tough, white-haired ranch hand. He has Jock’s letters, belt buckle, knife…and memories. Could it be Jock survived that years-ago ’copter crash? Is there even more underhanded, over-the-top fun in Season 10? Bet your cowboy boots there is!

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on March 10, 2009.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. reddon30 said...

    My wife would love for me to win a copy of this...thank you.

  2. mverno said...

    i know this doesn't pertain to jr and friends but how about them cowboys yeehar

  3. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win this - so far, I own the first, third, and sixth seasons, so I'd love to add this one to me collection!

  4. linett said...

    Loved this show

  5. danosor said...

    Great series.I miss Dallas.

  6. yellowlabs said...

    What a great show!

  7. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  8. Rose said...

    Count me in and a Happy New Year to all :)

  9. Anonymous said...

    Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  10. Anonymous said...

    I just loved watching Dallas, I would love to win this one

  11. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me.

  13. Anonymous said...

    I sure would like to. win this

  14. chromiumman said...

    we'd love to win this

  15. Ken said...

    Wahoo! I'm gunnin' for J.R. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  16. jessiejaws said...

    You know I loved Dallas, but half the time I fell asleep watching it. The job I was in at the time was very stressful. With Dallas on a Friday, I put up my feet and relaxed and went to sleep! I need to get these DVDs just to see what I might have missed!

  17. Christina G. said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. gordon said...

    Loved this show, but could only see it on regular TV. Love to see crisp versions of ol' JR!

  19. Erica C. said...

    choose me :)

  20. redron said...

    want to win this

  21. UrbanGard said...

    This was a great show. Would love to win. Thanks!

  22. bison61 said...

    I loved this show

    tiramisu392 (at)

  23. Christina G. said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  25. Anonymous said...

    Count me in too, please!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  26. Christina G. said...

    1/2/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Anonymous said...

    I loved Knots Landing and I totally missed out on Dallas. I'd love to win this one!

  28. AJANDREWS said...

    Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  29. toughturtles said...

    a good one thanks

  30. Unknown said...

    I'd love to win!

  31. windycindy said...

    My sister and I had so much fun watching this show together! Please add me to your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  32. Christina G. said...

    1/3/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Dave said...

    I have vague memories of watching this show years ago, but I had no idea it was on for ten seasons! Thank you for the great give-away.

  34. Anonymous said...

    I'm in !

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  35. azrosebud said...

    ooh jr i haven't seen you in a long time

  36. Christina G. said...

    1/4/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Christina G. said...

    1/5/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Anonymous said...

    I just loved wathing Dallas

  39. Christina G. said...

    1/6/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. AJANDREWS said...

    I'm in too please.


  41. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win

  42. Anonymous said...

    Back again for another entry.

    Have a great January 7th everyone!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  43. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me again

  44. Anonymous said...

    My nephew would love this! Gonna try to win it for him! He is a starving, college student.

  45. cuddlyinvt said...


  46. Charlene Kuser said...

    I would watch Dallas every Friday night.I loved the show and JR was
    an evil one.Please enter me and thanks for the giveaway

  47. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in for this great DVD

  48. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win

  49. Anonymous said...

    I really really would love to own this one

  50. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry.

  51. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, Thanks for all these great DVD giveaways

  52. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again

  53. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another entry, Thanks

  54. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me

  55. Anonymous said...

    I'm back for another chance to win

  56. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry please.

  57. jessiejaws said...

    In it to win it!

  58. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another try

  59. Anonymous said...

    I'd really would love to own this DVD

  60. jessiejaws said...

    One more entry

  61. Anonymous said...

    I loved Dallas, I never missed an episode, It was addicting

  62. Anonymous said...

    please enter me again

  63. jessiejaws said...

    One more entry!

  64. Anonymous said...

    I love Dallas, it was a great show

  65. jessiejaws said...

    Poof! Another entry!

  66. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for this great DVD giveaway, I really love Dallas, it was a great show with lots of wonderful characters

  67. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win

  68. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, Thanks

  69. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, I'd love to own this DVD

  70. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry!

  71. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, Thanks

  72. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, Thanks

  73. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry please.

  74. Anonymous said...

    I'm back for another entry, Thanks

  75. jessiejaws said...

    Yet another entry.

  76. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again

  77. Anonymous said...

    Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  78. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win, Thanks

  79. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, Thanks

  80. Anonymous said...

    I would love to own this Dallas DVD

  81. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to won this one, Thanks

  82. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, Thanks

  83. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win this, Thanks and good luck to everyone

  84. B-MAN said...

    Great Show. I love oil. Thanks for the chance.

  85. jessiejaws said...

    I'd like to win this one.

  86. B-MAN said...

    Back for another chance to win. Thanks again!

  87. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  88. B-MAN said...

    I have returned for another shot at the prize! Thank you!

  89. jessiejaws said...

    Another day, another entry.

  90. B-MAN said...

    I'm back for another chance to win this awesome dvd. Thank you.

  91. B-MAN said...

    Oh that J.R.! Horrible man. I'm back for another chance to win this! Thank you!

  92. B-MAN said...

    These crazy Texans! I'm in it to win it, as the kids are saying.

  93. jessiejaws said...

    One more entry.

  94. B-MAN said...

    I'm back for another shot at winning! Thanks!

  95. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry please.

  96. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  97. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, thanks

  98. djgroz said...

    A show I remember well!!!

  99. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, I'm so stupid I thought this ended already, thanks for the chance

  100. jessiejaws said...

    Back for another entry.

  101. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry please.

  102. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, Thanks for this great giveaway

  103. jessiejaws said...

    Another day, another entry.

  104. Anonymous said...

    Thanks Chris for so many great DVD giveaways, I'd love to win one.

  105. jessiejaws said...

    Another entry please.

  106. Anonymous said...

    I really would love to win, so I'm back again, Thanks

  107. Anonymous said...

    ugh i just noticed this one today and it's about to end! i want to win this for my mom.


  108. jessiejaws said...

    One more entry.

  109. Anonymous said...

    please accept my entry for thursday! thank you so much!


  110. Anonymous said...

    I'd really love to win, thanks

  111. Anonymous said...

    Great DVD, I'd love to win this, thanks

  112. Anonymous said...

    here's my friday entry!


  113. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, I hope it gets me a closer shot at this great Complete Season, thanks

  114. Anonymous said...

    back to enter again for saturday!


  115. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, thanks

  116. Anonymous said...

    please accept my sunday entry. thanks!


  117. Anonymous said...

    thanks for the entry- Dallas is a classic

  118. Anonymous said...

    Happy Monday!

  119. Anonymous said...

    I really would love to win this one, thanks for the chance

  120. Anonymous said...

    back to enter for monday! thanks!


  121. Karen A. said...

    I'd really like to own this DVD.

  122. Anonymous said...

    Interesting series.

  123. Anonymous said...

    In the early eighties, my wife and I (though, I suppose she was just my girlfriend back then) was addicted to this show! God, how I wanted to be just like JR!

    Thanks for the 'awesome' giveaway offering!

    Good luck to all!

  124. Anonymous said...

    My wife would love for me to win a copy of this.

  125. Anonymous said...

    please enter me for tuesday!


  126. Diana D said...

    I recently watched Dallas and would love to see this final season.Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  127. Anonymous said...

    I really would love to win this great DVD, thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone.

  128. ms-texas said...

    I would love to win this DVD! I can remember watching this series every Friday night!

  129. Anonymous said...

    Old classic show.