Fill in the Blank

1/16/2009 Posted by Admin

The above image is from Katie Holmes' new Miu Miu campaign.

Let's see. Kate Holmes is _____________________.

Answer in the comments above! We'll publish the winning entry here, with your name.

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  1. marleenandlouie said...

    Obviously not sensitive to heat.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I belong in the fires of Xenu!

  3. SeptemberLovely said...

    completely oblivious (and I'm not talking about to fire...).

  4. Anonymous said...

    Katie Holmes is into barbecued meat!!

  5. Anonymous said...

    performing her initiation into level 3 of scientology.

  6. Anonymous said...

    wishing her career was this hot.

  7. kalea_kane said...

    Katie Holmes if officially a Stepford wife.