GIVEAWAY: Apple's Brand New iPhone 3GS!

10/16/2009 Posted by Admin is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The iPhone 3GS

Apple's brand new iPhone is the iPhone 3GS, and it's hot. So hot, we're following our recent giveaway of the iPhone 3G with a giveaway of the iPhone 3GS. Yes! Retail value? $199. Oh, and you and pick your color--white or black. Just tell me when you win it.

You can find information about it here.

Note: This is for the phone only. You will need to sign up for a service plan through AT&T should you wish to win the phone. I won't be providing that.... Sorry! :-)

Obviously, you have to be a member of Twitter to play.

As with our other major giveaways, here’s how you can improve your chances to win it.
  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Tweet the following message to your followers:
Just entered the iPhone 3GS Giveaway contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone!

  • Tweet and retweet the above message as often as you wish. Also, comment on this post. The more your name is in our database, it significantly improves your chances of winning.

That's it!

Please leave a comment here to let everyone know that you're in it to win it!

The winner will be announced when WeekinRewind reaches 13,000 followers on Twitter. From the pool that features the above message, we'll randomly select a winner. This process should go relatively quickly.

I'll follow everybody who follows the Week in Rewind Twitter account.

Those seeking exclusive giveaways should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan." That would be appreciated--and it will be noted!

Good luck!


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«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 3532   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Anonymous said...

    In it to win it.
    thanks for the great contest.

  2. stellacotton said...

    Once again, "Im in it to win it"

  3. plb8156 said...

    I'm in it to win it

  4. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  5. @Jayddragyn said...

    oh dude..i want this yeah..i'm in it to win it!! ;D

  6. Tyler said...

    It's 3GS, not 3Gs. 3Gs would imply multiple iPhone 3Gs.

    I entered.


  7. Admin said...

    Oh, Tyler....
    Okay, I'll fix.

  8. Unknown said...

    i would love to replace my 2G with a 3gs!!! awesome contest btw

  9. Dr. Dave said...

    Something went wrong with the last contest . . . I thought I was supposed to win. Dang, anyone want a used (yet, apparently defective) copy of "The Secret"? ;D

  10. Donna said...


  11. Carrie said...

    I am in it to "WIN" it!!!!!!!But this time I will!!!

  12. Anonymous said...

    Oh, yes, I'm in!

  13. Rhonda said...

    Gimme!!! :)

  14. Sri said...

    I'm in!

  15. Disasterpiece said...

    Entered. Tweeted. And I WILL win this time!

  16. wdfa said...

    Me FTW!

  17. Shar_Har_Har said...

    I'm totally in it to WIN IT!

  18. mwhities said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  19. mwhities said...

    Just entered the iPhone 3GS Giveaway contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone!

    Ohh! I mean I just signed up!!


  20. AMPLIFYY said...

    Just entered the iPhone 3GS Giveaway contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone!

    Wooot! Entered.

  21. Anonymous said...

    Wow! A great giveaway!

  22. SillyRabbit said...

    in it to win it!

  23. Dragoonxgears said...

    ill be in it to win it. retweeting now. twitter= Dragoonxgears

  24. starkiller99 said...

  25. Organic Girl said...

    Im in it thanks- evyready

  26. Anonymous said...

    Just entered!

  27. Corinne said...

    I am a winner, and I plan to win this too.

  28. Jennifer said...

    I want! I want! I want! Count me in!

  29. Jen W said...

    i want it!!!!

  30. hpfan4sho said...

    i wants!

  31. toanjk said...

    great! hope i will win!

  32. BobTheWizard said...

    In it to win it.

    I want this!


  33. ANiKET said...

    i'm in to to win it.

    n i really wish to win this iphone 3gs now. have entered many of ur contests and never hav been lucky enuf to win a prize. i really really wish to win atleast once, and this time atleast... :))

  34. Gabi said...

    Cross your fingers for me

    I'm in

  35. ali991 said...

    I'm in

  36. Cheryl H. said...

    im in it to win it :)

  37. megelle sonnier said...

    im in it to win it :)

  38. Stephanie said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  39. jamie said...

    In it to win it like everyone else!

  40. Anonymous said...

    Gotta win this! Need a new phone!

  41. jamie said...

    Um mate, just realised. you can't retweet it as its already 139 chars without the RT: before the text...

  42. Courtney said...

    I'm in it to win it! courtnchris [at]

  43. Courtney said... tweet!

  44. Anonymous said...

    Im in, let's see if I'm a winner now!

  45. Jilly said...

    Hey, I'm in it to win it!!!!!

  46. Jilly said...

    I want to win it!

  47. KendallJaye said...

    @KJCollard - have tweeted!

  48. jenniwren12 said...

    I'm in it to win it! :-)

  49. Ben Kates said...

    SillyRabbbit (with 3 b's) tweeter that message

  50. Unknown said...

    Of course I'm in it to win it!

  51. Unknown said...

    I entered @bridget3420

  52. AmyLynn said...


  53. chubbydove said...


  54. Anonymous said...

    entered and tweeting @graywolf2037

  55. Passi (passi66 on Twitter) said...

    i want to do the same like these guys : let an iPhone fly :-) (video)

  56. jurrel said...

    Hey-hey! I'm in again to win it! Crossing my fingers!

  57. SavvyShopper said...

    In it to win it...
    Tweeted here

  58. hanabata said...

    Following, tweeted & I wanna win! Missed out on last one, thats what I get for not reading newsletter!

  59. Shar_Har_Har said...

    Let's go iPhone, let's go!

  60. Melissa said...

    tweet tweet

  61. Anonymous said...

    OOOh another one?!?!?!
    Im posting this one :)

  62. Sara said...

    going to try again - @diysara. thank you.

  63. porshe96 said...


  64. porshe96 said...

    Cool I want it

  65. Angell said...

    Tweeted - want one DESPERATELY.


  66. kuyaChristian said...
    I'm here to win ;]

  67. Mel said...

  68. YesiG said...

    entered...*crosses fingers*
    twitter @YesiG

  69. Mike said...

    After not winning the last iPhone give away, can only hope !!!!!

  70. Anonymous said...

    I'm living in poverty with my family and I'm broke, lost everything.

    In it to win it. like everyone else says.

  71. Mr_Sinisterr said...


  72. rosie said...

    did you call my name? just pegging out the washing then I'll be right back...

  73. diego said...

    I am in in to win it - this time!

  74. HA said...

    Please let me win this one!

  75. meto said...

    in it to win and tweeted

  76. jenniwren12 said...

    I've entered :-)

  77. KrackerJess said...

    i wish

  78. CrSchilliger said...

    I'm in, again

  79. Shawn said...

    I'm in it to win it! :)

    Twitter: @ShawnVictorio

  80. Courtney said... :)

  81. qwertyriffic said...

    I Am In To Win It!!!!!!
    i am also a fan for you guys on facebook!!!!

  82. Isolated Existence. said...

    I entered!

  83. Maria said...

    I entered!

  84. VegaPunk said...

    I am in to win it

  85. VegaPunk said...

    Sorry, forgot to post this:

  86. Tracy said...

    In it to win it! This would rock my world!

  87. carmela said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  88. hpfan4sho said...

    just retweeted! hope i win! ^^

  89. kelli said...

    i'm in.

  90. Angell said...

    tweeting again.

    Need to win this to shut up my brother who's always bragging about his shit.

  91. The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...


  92. David said...

    I Tweeted this post:

  93. Anonymous said...

    Just entered the iPhone 3GS Giveaway contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone!


  94. The 4-Crows Blog said...

    In it to win it!

  95. marbles999 said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  96. Rhonda Marie said...

    "I have 63 children" I'm a teacher and would love to win an Apple iPhone! I'm sure I would have to have one of my students teach me how to use it!

  97. Unknown said...

    WOW Love that phone!

  98. binabug said...

  99. binabug said...

    still trying to win this thing lol

  100. leany17 said...

    Would love to win... is it open to everyone?

  101. Terry said...

    I just dropped my iPhone and it broke and apparently its going to be $500 to replace it OR $500 to get the new 3GS because I'm not eligible for the $199 price :( soooo I'm definitely in it to WIN!! please please please!

  102. R said...

    I don't know if this apple would keep the doctor away, but I would gladly volunteer to test

  103. Mel said...

  104. EntertainmentBlogger said...


  105. Juan said...

    I Am In this Giveaway!!

    Twitter: AZTECA007

    YouTube: FrostMusic001

  106. Bryan Thomas said...

    In it to win it. Course I never win these things, but luck has to change sometime, right?

  107. Julie said...

    I just tweeted!

  108. Anonymous said...

    Tweet, Tweet.

  109. Carrie said...

    Still on it to WIN it

  110. Sarah VM said...


  111. Erin @ Closing Time said...

    I am definitely in it to win it!!

  112. carlottap said...

    I'm in it to win it!!!

  113. Dickins said...

    Great idea! Follow him on Twitter for great movie reviews. Follow@WeekinRewind.

  114. iTechDude21 said...

    I'm in it to win it.
    Twitter: @iTechDude21

  115. marcat said...

    in it to win it.

    i really need this phone!!!

  116. Jenn in AZ said...

    in it to win!!!


  117. diego said...

    If you ever saw me try and text a message you would so want me to have the 3GS

  118. Anonymous said...

    So what if we are already an ATT&T customer and are not eligible for an upgrade? Are you still willing to shell out more money for the non discounted price?

  119. Ledhead91 said...

    hope I win.

  120. David C. said...


  121. Courtney said...

    daily tweet :)

  122. Sarah VM said...


  123. Pocklock said...

    Tweeted. Followed. Would LOVE to win!

    pocklock at gmail dot com

  124. Olga said...

    I tweeted, I followed and I would love to have a new phone! :)

  125. Stacie said...

    I follow and I tweeted. I would so love to win this phone.

  126. mary2720 said...

    I tweeted...Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. Anonymous said...

    Tweet, Tweet.

  128. Noodles Boo said...

    Entered and re-tweeting all over the gaff...

    I have got earachhhhhhhhhhhhhhe!!

    Am considering the old olive oil and cotton wool I swear lol

  129. Sarah VM said...


  130. Mel said...

  131. Ms. Anita said...

    I'm entered to win it! :)

    roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

  132. Unknown said...

    I'm "in it to win it" as well.

    on twitter as pmradio

  133. Ashley said...

    Wow, best contest ever! Thanks so much for offering this!


  134. FemaleProdigy said...

    SWEET, I'm in... Tweeting from @femaleprodigy

  135. PhillyMac said...

    Sweet! The wife needs one!

  136. OMieUnwell said...

    In it to win it!


  137. Anonymous said...

    i want an iphone so bad.....
    Thank you for the chance!

  138. Charlene Kuser said...

    I would love that iphone!

  139. Ryan is gonna win said...


  140. xPoPxKiDx110 {N!¢K} said...

    I want this 3GS sooo bad. Never had a iPhone!


  141. Daer0n said...

    I follow you on twitter and entered the contest.
    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  142. Daer0n said...

    I tweeted:

    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  143. QUBIC said...

    This would make an awesome gift for my wife. Count me in!

  144. susan said...

    In it to win...
    Tweeted ~

  145. Courtney said...

    tweet :)

  146. Sarah VM said...


  147. Anonymous said...

    Tweet, Tweet,

  148. Unknown said...

    I want it!!!I want it!!!

  149. Donna M. Clark said...

    I am in it to win it!
    I follow you on twitter as litefoot873.

  150. Amanda said...

    In it to win it!

  151. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  152. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  153. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  154. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  155. frubio2012 said...


    Twitter me:

  156. ChevyGuyforlife said...

    Thats great!!! I cant wait im posting right now!

  157. starkiller99 said...

  158. Unknown said...

    In it to win it @hubrez.

  159. Mel said...

  160. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  161. lisagee1234 said...

    Yes I am in it to win it but don't remember if I posted here before to tell you...I tweet daily and am a facebook fan - lisa lo

  162. Courtney said...

    daily tweet :)

  163. Anonymous said...

    You still have a way to go to getting 13000 followers... I guess that gives us all more time to tweet

  164. Rainclouds said...

    Tweets :D i tweeted
    sweets I tweeted :D

  165. @Tramain360 said...


  166. @Tramain360 said...


  167. @Tramain360 said...


  168. @Tramain360 said...


  169. @Tramain360 said...


  170. @Tramain360 said...


  171. @Tramain360 said...


  172. @Tramain360 said...


  173. berecca6863 on twitter said...

    I am in it to win it!!

  174. said...

    'I'm in it to win it' thanks for the contest

  175. Unknown said...

    Gotta have it! Pretty please?

  176. Daer0n said...


    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  177. Anonymous said...

    Tweet, Tweet.

  178. Unknown said...

    supports the troops...send us free iphones ;) @tazam80

  179. Melissa said...

    I am in in to win it -

  180. msgulliver said...

    I've always wanted an iPhone. You picked the perfect prize to give away. Thanks for offering it.

  181. marbles999 said...

  182. Mel said...

  183. tkharmonic (Terri) said...

    I really want to win one of these things! I've been appropriating my bf's iPod Touch to play this game I'm addicted to, would dearly love the iPhone. This is a great giveaway!

  184. eagleeyez said...

    I've entered this.

  185. eagleeyez said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  186. eagleeyez said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  187. eagleeyez said...

    I've always wanted an iPhone. to be able to develop some application on this plateform.

    I hope to win it and enrich the community with some of my great ideas.

  188. Courtney said...

    daily tweet :)

  189. Tuesday Girl said...

    love it! thanks for the chance.

  190. Mr. Man said...


  191. KendallJaye said...

    ENTERED! @KJCollard

  192. Ryan said...

    Hope it's me!

  193. Unknown said...

    in it TO WIN IT!!

  194. Unknown said...

    IN IT TO WIn ...... LINE!!!?

  195. BethW7372 said...

    I posted on Twitter - id is Beth_W737

  196. Alxnd3r said...

    I Want It I Want It
    Don't Forget

  197. kapitana said...

    i want.

  198. SavvyShopper said...

    I tweeted this..please enter me

  199. abraham16sd said...


  200. iPhoneFreak said...

    In it to win it! Too legit to quit! Go for gold!

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