WATCH: The Brangelina/Ryan Seacrest Snub

1/12/2009 Posted by Admin

The below video from last night's Golden Globes speaks for itself.

You don't mess with Brad or Angie, which Ryan Seacrest did at last year's awards ceremony. This year, they outright snubbed him. Hardcore!

This morning, Seacrest talked about it on his show. He said, "I don't think Angelina thinks I'm that important. I don't think I'm top of mind for Brad and Angelina. I honestly don't believe they'd know who I was if I walked over there. Here's what I realized when I went down there. I realized quickly that it's against the rules to walk down onto the carpet from the platform."

What you realized, Ryan, was a throw down by Santa Angelina. It was an ego-kill. They trumped you. Deal with it.

View the drama below. Need your fix of more Angelina attitude? Click here to view her outstanding "performance" at the Broadcast Film Critics Critics Choice Awards.

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  1. Riri said...

    Could you please post what he did last year?

  2. Admin said...


    I'll dig and see if I can find it on YouTube. I tried earlier to no avail.


  3. Anonymous said...

    From US magazine:

    Seacrest clashed with Jolie before: At the 2006 Golden Globes, he asked her what she fed her children that day and she icily replied " Cereal — we made cereal."

    He later called her "cold" for being so unresponsive.

    Turns out, Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, was on her death bed at the time.

    If that's really the reason, I don't understand why that made her so mad?