TWITTER GIVEAWAY UPDATE: Playstation 3 (4/30)

4/30/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of the
Playstation 3!

We are now just a few hundred Twitter followers away from giving this away. I expect it will happen this weekend.

If you want this--and if you're in it to win it--NOW is the time to Tweet the hell out of this giveaway so your name is in our database as often as possible.

Get your friends to follow! Get them involved!

Just click here for the rules.

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  1. RedHatty said...

    woot! 10 extra entries!

  2. Anonymous said...

    how do we get the extra 10? Just comment here? Or tweet tonight?


  3. silverneon2000 said...

    10 extra entries. Thank you that is great.
    Good luck to all.

  4. bcmomtoo said...

    I'll take all the entries I can get!!!

  5. Elaine said...

    Would also like to know how you get the extra 10.

  6. theapplefreak said...

    how do you get 10 extra entries?

  7. ciara said...

    i tweeted and i'm leaving a comment. w00t!

  8. Admin said...

    Yes, just comment here or Tweet for the additional 10 entries. I log it all.

    Good luck!


  9. R said...

    count me in!

  10. Jack said...

    10 extra entries!! Woot. Good luck everyone.

  11. wentintoadream said...

    A warm "Hello," Christopher!

  12. theredneckhackr said...

    woot for 10 entries! :D

  13. Gabriel S-J. said...

    10 extra entries, make me a winner!

  14. Anonymous said...

    i want to win

  15. Anonymous said...

    Ten Extra Entries please! I'm following you on twitter as snazzyiphoneguy! Thanks!

  16. Anonymous said...

    this is killerRed09
    and i want to win twitter is @killerRed09

  17. CalvaryGirl said...

    10 extra? TYSM!!

  18. Andrew said...

    Great! 10 more entries!

  19. Elena said...

    I'll take the extra 10! Thanks!

  20. jkdreamer01 said...

    did the deed 10x baby

  21. Deb K said...

    Please enter me X10 too!

    I also tweeted

  22. retrogade said...

    10 for me too

  23. slehan said...

    Just read your tweet. It's still tonight in California so I'd like the 10 extra entries.

  24. nvmisfit said...

    I'm in it to win it. Thanks.

  25. DanKahn said...

    i gotta comment and tweet?
    easy as pie!

  26. Christie Lynn said...

    No... ME! Pick ME! Not them... I'm in it to win it...x10!

  27. Frostedbetty said...

    I just tweeted again 10x extra for me too please!!

    Thanks for the awesome contest!!


  28. Unknown said...

    10 for me!

  29. Rica said...

    wow..if I won, my son would be so excited!!

  30. ultra balexbot said...

    i want 10 more entries!
    twitter = ultra_balexbot

  31. phxbne said...

    Yeah - phxbne on twitter

  32. Edward29 said...

    Excellent 10 Extra Entries

  33. Anonymous said...

    i want 10 extra entries
    and my twitter is @killerRed09

  34. Blindfaith said...

    I tweeted Blindfaith73

  35. Anonymous said...

    If you look carefully you can see my name etched on that Playstation 3 already! :D
    (Hey, I'm allowed to plagiarize myself!)

  36. Courtney said...

    10 extra entries would be great! I'm a new follower/subscriber!


  37. Unknown said...

    @Harrakis is all for 10 more chances. :)

  38. Baba19 said...

    still not sure on how to get the 10 extra entries, but i hope this does it.

  39. Steve D said...

    Whoo Hoo!! 10 additional entries!

  40. bcmomtoo said...

    I'll take those 10 more entries! My son would love this!!

  41. Parker said...

    Ten more! Thank You

  42. ♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

    thanks for the 10 extra entries!!

  43. Unknown said...

    tweeted @Andreww_G
    and now commenting.

    Hope I Win! =)

  44. R said...

    tweeting and blogging like a maniac

  45. ddckp2 (Denise) said...

    I am in it to win it!! ♫ Thanks for the extra 10 entries! Great contest! ☼

  46. hao said...

    YEAH 10 Extra!

  47. Anonymous said...

    I just tweeted it on my twitter account, ItalianBoyy

  48. Gem Alfred said...

    10 extra entries. I feel good. @gemalfred

  49. retrogade said...

    10 more entries for me !!

  50. slehan said...

    I'll take 10, thanks.

  51. missy said...

    This is cool my kids would love this. Thank You

  52. CalvaryGirl said...

    10 more entries! Yay!

  53. Unknown said...

    10 more!! Sweet!

  54. Cecily R said...

    You have no idea how my coolness factor would increase if I won something like this...consider it retweeted!!


  55. Dina said...

    Yay. 10 extra entries. Thank you!

  56. Edward29 said...

    10 Again. Thank You

  57. silverneon2000 said...

    I assume 10 again than i am in for it i tweeted
    and facebooked
    Londia Smith Berk
    Thank you for such a great giveaway.

  58. Angie Bailey said...

    It would be awesome to win this since our PS3 is broken, lol. Thanks.

  59. jkdreamer01 said...

    We're in the closing minutes of the ball game. I'm keeping my Kobe Bryant instinct and fight till the buzzer.

  60. Rica said...

    I want to win for my son!

  61. sassy2 said...

    10 extra entries!

  62. ~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

    WOO HOO!
    10 Extra entires!


  63. Douglas0327 said...

    I just got done posting a tweet. I am still in it to win it! Thanks

  64. tomison61 said...

    I will post again and retweet just in case.. Would love to win this... Thanks so much for the opportunity...

  65. R said...

    Like sticking a drumstick in the amazon...

  66. Steve D said...

    I'll take 10 extra entries. Thank you very much.

  67. Lisa Mom of 2 Boys said...

    I tweeted at for 10 entries! Oh - thanks again for the #followfriday!

  68. theredneckhackr said...

    Woot! for 10 extra entrys!

  69. Bessamy said...

    In it to win it!

  70. evanmaroun said...

    ya 10 extra entry's! man this PS3 would be great to watch the watchmen when that comes out on Blu-ray (and for playin littlebigplanet!

  71. Joseph Ball said...


  72. Anonymous said...

    Tweeted and commented, I want to win please!

  73. madcran said...

    Woohoo! More entries for me. Thanks a bunch!

  74. redwingdog said...

    Commenting here for ten more entries!!!! Good luck everyone!!

  75. BobTheWizard said...

    10 more entries! woohoo....


  76. retrogade said...

    another 10 today!

  77. Joshua said...


  78. carolynishis said...

    I follow you on twitter.Extra 10 entries.Cool!!

  79. Rica said...

    please enter me!

  80. Anonymous said...

    i want to win and this killerRed09 on twitter

  81. wentintoadream said...

    Thanks again!

  82. missy said...

    my boys would love this. please enter me in this contest

  83. Steve M said...

    Count me in... I'm on twitter as beev0. I will start following tonight.

  84. Unknown said...

    oh yeahh 10 extra entrys.

    my twitter is @Andreww_G

  85. Jenny said...

    Thank you for the chance! This would make the perfect Father's Day gift.

  86. Jenny said...

    I twittered about it too. Have a great day!

  87. Anonymous said...

    I think all my Twitter followers think I should win, I've been driving them nuts with my Tweets. LOL

    Here's hoping!

  88. said...

    My kids would LOVE one of these!! Also tweeted @frugalgirl!!

  89. Beryll said...

    Yes, 10 extra entries. Count me in!

  90. Unknown said...

    I've tweeted and I'm commenting here. Please send me my PS3! :)

  91. Alison said...

    Brilliant contest, keep em coming :-)

  92. Elkaye said...

    I could definitely use 10 extra entries!

  93. jkdreamer01 said...

    What is love?

    Love is playing every game as if it's your last.

    Michael Jordan 2003

    the tweeting continues.

  94. Rica said...

    love to win this for my son!

  95. el smrtmnky said...

    tweet? done!
    comment? done!

  96. retrogade said...

    10 more please

  97. madcran said...

    More entries? I'll take some. Thank you so much for all the giveaways!

  98. Unknown said...

    i want the 10 extra entries!!!

  99. my2boyz said...

    10 extra entires?? WOW if I win I willbe the hero in my house!!! LOL

  100. Jake Jenova said...

    Just tweeted again :D
    Hope I win!

    that's my twitter :)

  101. whtmtnmom said...

    Just started following you on Twitter and retweeted your tweet!

  102. Dottie1959 said...

    zgrest contes

  103. DrewHamilton said...

    Woot, 10 extra entries.

  104. wentintoadream said...

    Thanks again!

  105. Katmagick said...


  106. Frankie B said...

    Another comment to win

  107. ToxicGod said...

    I really hope i win this PS3!!!

  108. Frankie B said...

    Another try at winning

  109. Frankie B said...

    One more

  110. Frankie B said...

    Oh what the hell one more.

  111. Frankie B said...

    OOPS ! do i only need to comment one for the 10 entries?? Well then scratch all of the others if that's the case, sorry.

  112. Admin said...

    This is wrapping up quickly! I hope it's gone by the weekend!


  113. Leah said...

    I just twitted

  114. Bessamy said...

    In it to win it!!!

  115. retrogade said...

    More entries!

  116. BobTheWizard said...

    In it to win it!


  117. Steve D said...

    May 1st already; and I'm back with another entry. It seems time is running out.

  118. MusicsBB said...

    It seems I missed this one.
    Can't find my comment.
    I am in anyway.

  119. jonahan said...


  120. Edward29 said...

    Oh snap gotta get to tweeting.
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