GIVEAWAY: Astral Weeks: Live at the Hollywood Bowl: The Concert Film!

4/30/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind in pleased to offer a giveaway of
Astral Weeks: Live at the Hollywood Bowl: The Concert Film!

Own it on DVD May 19, 2009 exclusively at!

Thanks to our friends at Listen to the Lion Films
for this opportunity!

Product description: "For the first time ever, music legend Van Morrison performed his acclaimed album in one complete concert set. This special performance was recorded live and the DVD features special bonus songs and unprecedented behind-the-scenes footage as well as a candid conversation with the artist himself."

The contest will end on June 21, 2009.

We are giving away FIVE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Astral Weeks DVD contest! 5 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Good luck!


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  1. wentintoadream said...

    Just entered. Thanks!

  2. Steve D said...

    Whoa. I'm probably one of Van's biggest fans. This is a classic album from over 40 years ago. I've heard the new live concert and can't wait to see it. Thanks.

  3. Steve D said...

    My comment for May 1st: Thank you.

  4. Diana D said...

    I'd love to win this. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  5. Steve D said...

    My entry for May 2nd to win the "Astral Weeks" DVD. Thank you.

  6. Ralph Siegel said...

    Van's the Man!!

  7. Steve D said...

    Consider this my post for another entry.

  8. Steve D said...

    Another day (Monday), another entry.

  9. WHOOPLA said...

    Van Morrison need I say more.

  10. agordon10 said...


  11. Steve D said...

    Another entry for this contest.

  12. LINDA said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  13. Steve D said...

    Posting another comment.

  14. chromiumman said...

    would love to win this

  15. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!

  16. Steve D said...

    My entry for Friday, May 8.

  17. Steve D said...

    Thanks to Week in Rewind and the generous sponsors for these great contests.

  18. Dave said...

    Looks like a great concert DVD. Thank you for the chance to win.

  19. Brian said...

    sign me up!

  20. Steve D said...

    A Mother's Day entry.

  21. Steve D said...

    Another daily entry for Tuesday.

  22. amwhiteh said...


  23. Ralph Siegel said...

    Van's the man!!

  24. Steve D said...

    Submitting another entry.

  25. Steve D said...

    My daily entry.

  26. Steve D said...

    Back with another daily entry. Thank you for these contests.

  27. Steve D said...

    Another daily entry.

  28. Ralph Siegel said...

    Astal Weeks is a great album!!

  29. Only Free Stuff Here said...

    I'm entered:

  30. Steve D said...

    Another daily entry along with my tweets.

  31. Steve D said...

    My daily entry for May 29.

  32. Steve D said...

    A daily comment: A big thanks to you and to the sponsors for these terrific contests.

  33. LINDA said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  34. Steve D said...

    My June 2 daily entry.

  35. Steve D said...

    Please accept another entry.

  36. Steve D said...

    A daily comment.

  37. Steve D said...

    Back with a daily comment.

  38. Steve D said...

    Time's running out on this one.

  39. Steve D said...

    Last day for this contest. Thank you.