WATCH: Julie & Julia Trailer

4/29/2009 Posted by Admin

Finally! We've been waiting for months for this trailer to come out, and for good reason: Meryl Streep as Julia Child. Bon Appetit, indeed!

The movie opens wide August 7, 2009.

Official synopsis: "Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's Julie & Julia and My Life in France, by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.

"Based on two true stories, 'Julie & Julia' intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends...until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible."

Check it out below....and let us know what you think. Does Streep pull it off?

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Wow! I've read this book, and loved it! However, I had no idea it was popular enough to make it to the movie screen. I am excited to see Meryl Streep's performance as Julia Child. Amy Adams is a very talented actress as well. I'm looking forward to the release.

  2. Admin said...

    Can't wait for it--how can it be bad?
