4/29/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of the
Flip Mino HD Video Camera!

For those who Tweet, here's your chance to complete!

Have you entered? If so, why not? It's easy!

Just click here for the rules.

Also, check out these giveaways:

  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Yahoo! Buzz
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
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  • Netvibes


  1. missy said...

    I would like to try one. Never had the experence to try one.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Scotty! Beam me up... I know I've been here before : )

    Always in it to win ~ hutchess ~

  3. Bessamy said...

    In it to win it!!!!!

  4. Michelle Hemingway said...

    I'm in to win it! good luck everyone!

  5. Unknown said...

    Hope I win!

  6. qasim said...

    hope i winn

  7. Mr. Somers said...

    Having 3 contests running at once for the sole purpose of boosting your Twitter numbers is ridiculous. Plus, we end up "spamming" by retweeting daily. I had to stop RT'ing because I was losing followers. Now that MY numbers are back up, I'll RT the message every couple of days. One Twitter contest at a time, please!

  8. Cassie said...


  9. bcmomtoo said...

    I'd love to win this!!

  10. TheRedneckHackr said...

    woot woot

  11. Unknown said...

    I really need a new camera for Youtube :)

  12. slehan said...

    Only 55 days before my trip to Alaska. I'll be taking my new Flip with me. Thanks.

  13. retrogade said...

    10 more for me buddy!

  14. tomison61 said...

    would love to win this one...

  15. Rica said...

    They have flip cameras at my school..they're great!

  16. Bessamy said...

    In it to win it! ;)

  17. Frankie B said...

    In it to win it man.

  18. Day Waste said...

    Would love to win!!!

  19. retrogade said...

    more more more!!! have to win this