Poll: Which Five Animated Films Do You Think Will be Nominated for an Oscar?

Naturally, they don't have to do anything they don't want to do, as they note themselves in their own rules:
All submissions sent to the Academy will be screened by the Animated Feature Film Award Screening Committee(s). After the screenings, the committee(s) will vote by secret ballot to nominate from 3 to 5 motion pictures for this award. In any year in which 8 to 15 animated features are released in Los Angeles County, a maximum of 3 motion pictures may be nominated. In any year in which 16 or more animated features are submitted and accepted in the category, a maximum of 5 motion pictures may be nominated.So, this year has seen sixteen animated features, which left me wondering. Who will be nominated?
I have a pretty good idea, as I bet you do. Still, then I thought, let's put it to the people in the poll below. Just select five of those films you think have a shot of being nominated. It will be interesting to see if those with the most scores actually do get nominated--and from that list, which one will actually win.
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